
-=The Script=- On Fire - Leverage Edition

=The Scrip=- On Fire - Leverage Edition

This latest editon in the series of -=The Script=-

The pre-weighted values are optimized for USD(t)-Pairs and this one uses 1 indicator:

• Custom Indicator

The settings for this strategie use:

• Strategy Period and Chart Period😊

The creators of these script are not financial advisors, and as such, this script is not financial advice. Anything seen or used within this script is here simply for educational purposes and it is up to you to decide what to do with this information and results. Please do your own research and verify any outcome made before deciding to act upon them. Do not commit any of your own resources to any trading or cryptocurrency activities without first verifying the accuracy of the information and know that your decisions are your own.

このスクリプトへのアクセスは作者が許可したユーザーに制限されており、通常はお支払いが必要です。お気に入りに追加することはできますが、許可を申請して作者が許可した後でなければ使用することはできません。 詳細については KingRekter にお問い合わせいただくか、以下の作者の指示に従ってください。





注: アクセス権をリクエストされる前にご覧ください