Library "simpletrade" Library with Simple Trade types and tracking mechanism
method evaluate(this) Evaluate current trade and update status Namespace types: SimpleTrade Parameters: this (SimpleTrade): SimpleTrade object that need to be evaluated Returns: current SimpleTrade object
method erase(this) Erase SimpleTrade drawings Namespace types: SimpleTrade Parameters: this (SimpleTrade): SimpleTrade object that needs to be erased Returns: void
method draw(this, offset, gap) Draw SimpleTrade drawings Namespace types: SimpleTrade Parameters: this (SimpleTrade): SimpleTrade object that needs to be drawn offset (int): offset distance at which the drawing needs to be drawn. gap (int): gap between start and end of the Simple trade drawings Returns: updated offset
TradeDrawing Object containing Trade drawings Fields: entryToStop (series box): box showing entry to stop range entryToTarget (series box): box showing entry to target range maxGain (series box): box highlighting max gain of the Trade maxLoss (series box): box highlighting max lowss of the Trade invalidationLine (series line): line displaying trade invalidation price invalidationLabel (series label): label displaying trade invalidation price stopLabel (series label): label displaying trade stop price entryLabel (series label): label displaying trade entry price targetLabel (series label): label displaying trade target price patternLabel (series label): label displaying trade pattern details
SimpleTrade Object containing Simple trade details for tracking Fields: id (series int): Unique trade id pid (series int): parent id for trade. Multiple trades can have single parent id dir (series int): trade direction tradeName (series string): Trade name or description tradeColor (series color): color in which the trade needs to be drawn entry (series float): trade entry price stop (series float): trade stop price invalidation (series float): trade invalidation price target (series float): trade target price maxGainPrice (series float): price at which the trade attained max gain maxLossPrice (series float): price at which the trade attained max loss drawing (TradeDrawing): TradeDrawing object contianing drawing items status (series int): current status of the trade maxStatus (series int): max status attained by the trade