Library "WebhookMessageLibrary" The webhook message library provides several functions for building JSON payloads
method buildWebhookJson(msg, constants) Builds the final JSON payload from a webhookMessage type. Namespace types: webhookMessage Parameters: msg (webhookMessage): (webhookMessage) A prepared webhookMessage. constants (CONSTANTS) Returns: <string> A JSON Payload.
method buildTakeProfitJson(msg) Builds the takeProfit JSON message to be used in a webhook message. Namespace types: takeProfitMessage Parameters: msg (takeProfitMessage): (takeProfitMessage) Returns: <string> A JSON takeProfit payload.
method buildStopLossJson(msg, constants) Builds the stopLoss JSON message to be used in a webhook message. Namespace types: stopLossMessage Parameters: msg (stopLossMessage): (stopLossMessage) constants (CONSTANTS) Returns: <string> A JSON stopLoss payload.