Elgrand - MACD crossover overlay with alertVisualize MACD bullish and bearish crossovers on your chart as an overlay. This way you won't necessarily have to add the MACD script and check manually at which point on your chart the MACD crossed. Optionally you can set alerts on the MACD crossovers in case you would like to trade from this after the signal occured.
Crossing Ema Signals by SedkurGives an signals when 2 Ema's cross.
You can
- change EMA values
- change the signal start year
Candle Based RSI w/ EMA 9 CrossoverThis is my first published script. I hope you find it as useful as I have.
This is a modified version of olegnator's RSI script. Enjoy!
4 JMA Crossover Strategy (ps4)This is a PS4 update to my previous 4 JMA strategy that received many likes. In this and several recent strategies I use a simplified strategy setup, featuring trailing stops with very tiny increments. This is done intentionally in order to boost performance to the limit, so that to pinpoint that limit. Strategies with performance of about 90% or above are regarded as viable. Incorporating various overhead factors such as transaction costs, broker's spread, slippage, etc. at this stage creates too much 'noise' with the end result of losing the sight of the forest behind the trees.)) In practice, I disable the 'Use Strategy Setup' option and fine-tune parameters the way I want.
Tested security: EURUSD . Tested TF: 3m
Mix1 : Ema Cross + Trend Channel [Gu5]Based on Trend Channel
Ema-crossover is added
Crossing alerts, only on trend
Basado en mi anterior indicador, Trend Channel
Se agrega Cruce de Medias Moviles (Ema-crossover)
Las alertas solo son en favor a la tendencia
El valor de SMA Range es arbitrario (No Backtesting). Cambia la amplitud de canal que determina cuando es rango (barras amarillas por estar muy cerca del SMA200, sin tendencia definida)
Range Multiplier adapta el indicador a distintos mercados
//Setting recommended for SMA Range
//BTCUSD = 100
//EURUSD = 1000
//SPX = 100
//ETHUSD = 10
Si te fue útil este indicador, puedes comprarme una cerveza ;)
EMAs Alert-This script allows you to show the crossings of the most important emas such as 10, 20, 50 and 200
-You can modify the values of each ema you like
-Bring alerts of the crosses of each ema, which will allow you to activate this function to only the assets you want to track
Triple Moving Average HeatmapHi everyone
I didn't publish on Friday because I was working on an Expert Advisor in MT4. The day I don't publish, some scripts spamming guys published many (not useful) scripts the same to kick me out of the TOP #1 ranking.
So what I'm going to do about it? crying or sharing more quality scripts than before? :)
I guess you know the answer :) I'm gonna share a few quality scripts that I have in my library. I noticed that you guys tend to like more the scripts useful for your trading actually making you money rather than a copy-paste (of another copy-paste)
Alright, enough for the trolling now let's introduce the Three MA heatmap which is an upgrade of that script : MA-heatmap-Double-cross-edition/
The challenge was to keep the heatmap not rolling and to make it match with the MA cross. I did it using this
since_ma_buy = barssince(macrossover)
since_ma_sell = barssince(macrossunder)
heatmap_color() =>
since_ma_buy < since_ma_sell ? color.new(color.green, 20) : since_ma_buy > since_ma_sell ? color.new(color.red, 20) : na
This is a technique that I found after drinking three glasses of red wine (#french) to keep the heatmap stable and not rolling.
To get what I'm saying I invite you to replace the piece of code above by what everyone would normally do
heatmap_color() =>
macrossunder() ? color.new(color.green, 20) : macrossover() ? color.new(color.red, 20) : na
Ah and I'm not done sharing for the day, a few scripts are coming also after that one and tonight !!!!! I want to live in a world where you guys can enjoy quality scripts (mostly) :)
Feel free to hit the thumbs up as it shows me that I'm not doing this for nothing and will motivate to deliver more quality content in the future.
- I'm an officially approved PineEditor/LUA/MT4 approved mentor on codementor. You can request a coaching with me if you want and I'll teach you how to build kick-ass indicators and strategies
Jump on a 1 to 1 coaching with me
- You can also hire for a custom dev of your indicator/strategy/bot/chrome extension/python
TMA Strategy v2.2This is a backtest of the TMA Indicator v2.2 using default parameters.
Backtest window: Jan 1, 2015 - Jul 21, 2019 (today)
For more information on the indicator and strategy seen here please take a look at this backtest:
For paper trading only. Do not use on real markets. Never make investment decisions based on this indicator alone.
TMA Indicator v2.2This indicator is designed to show support and resistance at local extremes. Configurable SMA crossover events can be used to impart a bullish or bearish bias. This helps to reduce noise on the chart and increase profit factor. In other words, the indicator will only look for bullish breakouts if the fast moving average is above the slow moving average and vice-versa.
SMA Crossover events can be used to filter bullish or bearish resistance levels.
SMA Crossover events can be used to filter bullish or bearish breakout alerts.
Supports alerts for entries and exits based on breakouts of local extrema.
Alerts can be generated at every breakout or with SMA crossover filtering active.
Backtests would suggest that filtering with SMA crossovers often yields slightly lower profit but with a considerable improvement to profit factor.
Green/Red indicates long/short entry
Yellow/Orange indicates long/short exit
See here for an example backtest and visualization of active SMA signal filtering:
For paper trading only. Do not use on real markets. Never make investment decisions based on this indicator alone.
TMA Indicator v2.1This indicator is designed to show support and resistance at local extremes.
Indicator can be configured to filter out bullish vs bearish resistance levels based on configurable parameters.
Supports alerts for entries and exits based on breakouts of local extrema.
Green/Red indicates long/short entry
Yellow/Orange indicates long/short exit
Backtest window: Jan 1, 2015 - Jul 21, 2019 (today)
For paper trading only. Do not use on real markets. Never make investment decisions based on this indicator alone.
MA heatmap (Double cross edition)Hello my friends
Sorry yesterday I couldn't post an indicator because I was travelling. So here's the today indicator inspired from that one Moving-Average-Heatmap-Visualization/
This will gives an interesting representation of a Double Moving Average cross
That's all for me
Let's resume the free indicators publishing next Monday with the MA heatmap (Triple cross edition) and then the 4 cross ... until the 100 cross edition .... "wait are you joking sir ?"... Totally YES :)
But the Triple cross edition will be released as it's interesting from a Pine script perspective
Enjoy your weekend and stay safe
Four MM crossHello traders
Some friends asked me to do it so... sharing it for everyone instead
This indicator detects when the first moving average is above the three others. It's a very powerful tool for trend traders that use multiple moving averages to detect a strong trend
Two MVA Cross MTFHello traders
This is a script to apply the crossover/crossunder of moving average multi-timeframes on a different timeframe chart
In this example, we see two moving averages in the 2H timeframe being detected on a m30 chart
Two MM CrossHello Traders
This is a script to detect the crossover/crossunder of two moving averages
It's generic as all standard moving averages are accepted and can be crossed between each other
24/9 EMA with Bias & SignalsThis is a simple indicator that plots the 24 & 9 EMAs.
It also highlights the potential bias of the market (bull or bear) based on if the 9 EMA is above or below the 24 EMA.
In addition there are signal crosses that you can use for alerts.
This indicator is best used to confirm a particular underlying bias on the 5m, 15M, 1HR, 4HR, and Daily timeframes.
It's important to note on lower timeframes that the bias can be counter trend bias of the overall larger momentum of the instrument you are trading.
For clarity this means that many retraces get going when the 9 crosses the 24. But ultimately the larger timeframe bias will continue after this counter trend retraces.
Combining this indicator with value channels and ATR is what I recommend.
Multiple Moving AveragesThis script shows multiple moving averages and has an indicator when they are about to cross. Depending on the scale you probably will need to adjust the values to have a working cross indicator.
Moving Average CrossoverIt was planned as an addition to Moving Average Smoothness Benchmark and Profitable Moving Average Crossover , but can be used standalone.
Supports 62 types of well-known moving averages and allows full-featured customization.
Supported types of averages and filters:
AEMA , Adaptive Exponential MA (by Vitali Apirine)
AHMA , Ahrens MA (by Richard D. Ahrens)
ALMA , Arnaud Legoux MA (by Arnaud Legoux and Dimitris Kouzis-Loukas)
ALF , Adaptive Laguerre Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
AMA , Adaptive MA (by Vitali Apirine)
ARSI , Adaptive RSI
BAMA , Bryant Adaptive MA (by Michael R. Bryant)
BF2 , Butterworth Filter with 2 poles
BF3 , Butterworth Filter with 3 poles
DEMA , Double Exponential MA (by Patrick G. Mulloy)
DWMA , Double Weighted (Linear) MA
EDCF , Ehlers Distance Coefficient Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
EDSMA , Ehlers Deviation-Scaled MA (by John F. Ehlers)
EHMA , Exponential Hull MA
EMA , Exponential MA
EVWMA , Elastic Volume Weighted MA (by Christian P. Fries)
FRAMA , Fractal Adaptive MA (by John F. Ehlers)
GF1 , Gaussian Filter with 1 pole
GF2 , Gaussian Filter with 2 poles
GF3 , Gaussian Filter with 3 poles
GF4 , Gaussian Filter with 4 poles
HFSMA , Hampel Filter on Simple Moving Average
HFEMA , Hampel Filter on Exponential Moving Average
HMA , Hull MA (by Alan Hull)
HWMA , Henderson Weighted MA (by Robert Henderson)
IDWMA , Inverse Distance Weighted MA
IIRF , Infinite Impulse Response Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
JAMA , Jurik Adaptive MA (by Mark Jurik)
JMA , Jurik MA (by Mark Jurik, )
KAMA , Kaufman Adaptive MA (by Perry J. Kaufman)
LF , Laguerre Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
LMA , Leo MA (by ProRealCode' user Leo)
LSMA , Least Squares MA (Moving Linear Regression)
MAMA (by John F. Ehlers)
FAMA , Following Adaptive MA (by John F. Ehlers)
MD , McGinley Dynamic (by John R. McGinley)
MHLMA , Middle-High-Low MA (by Vitali Apirine)
MNMA , McNicholl MA (by Dennis McNicholl)
NSMA , Moving Average 3.0 on SMA (by Manfred G. Dürschner)
NEMA , Moving Average 3.0 on EMA (by Manfred G. Dürschner)
NWMA , Moving Average 3.0 on WMA (by Manfred G. Dürschner)
NVWMA , Moving Average 3.0 on VWMA (by Manfred G. Dürschner)
PEMA , Pentuple Exponential MA (by Bruno Pio)
PWMA , Parabolic Weighted MA
QMA , Quick MA (by John McCormick)
QEMA , Quadruple Exponential MA (by Bruno Pio)
REMA , Regularized Exponential MA (by Chris Satchwell)
RMA , Running MA (by J. Welles Wilder)
RMF , Recursive Median Filter (by John F. Ehlers )
RMTA , Recursive Moving Trend Average (by Dennis Meyers)
SHMMA , Sharp Modified MA (by Joe Sharp)
SMA , Simple MA
SSF2 , Super Smoother Filter with 2 poles (by John F. Ehlers)
SSF3 , Super Smoother Filter with 3 poles (by John F. Ehlers)
SWMA , Sine Weighted MA
TEMA , Triple Exponential MA (by Patrick G. Mulloy)
TMA , Triangular MA (generalized by John F. Ehlers)
T3 , (by Tim Tillson)
VIDYA , Variable Index Dynamic Average (by Tushar S. Chande)
VWMA , Volume Weighted MA (by Buff P. Dormeier)
WMA , Weighted (Linear) MA
ZLEMA , Zero Lag Exponential MA (by John F. Ehlers and Ric Way)
Simple MACD Strategy - CrossoverSimple MACD Crossover Strategy
No secret sauce here!
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