[astropark] Fast Supply Demand Order Blocks FinderDear Followers,
today another awesome Analysis Tool, that you can use both for Swing and Scalping Trading: Fast Supply Demand Order Blocks Finder !
Every time it finds a bullish Order Block (Demand) or a bearish OB (Supply), it shows it immediatelly and when the OB is touched by price, an alert is triggered and a circle is displayed.
Keep in mind that trading Supply and Demand is quite easy:
short/sell at Supply (Bearish OB)
long/buy at Demand (Bullish OB)
short/sell if Demand (Bullish OB) gets broken
long/buy if Supply (Bearish OB) gets broken
This indicator has the resolution option , so you can checkout higher timeframes OBs, whatever timeframe you are.
Also you can refine the OBs finder algo fine tuning some filter options or you can just disable them all.
The indicator keeps track of all previous historic Supplies and Demands , but if too much are shown and you don't like it, you can just cut them by defining a specifc Analysis Starting Date/Time using the specific input options in the indicator settings.
Optionally you can also change lines' color and width, as well as enable/disable the OB hits circles.
Here below you can see some charts that shows how the indicator works on many timeframes, resolutions and markets.
XAUUSD 1h, using 6h resolution - part 1
XAUUSD 1h, using 6h resolution - part 2
XAUUSD 1h, using 6h resolution - part 3
BTCUSD 1h, without using resolution
EURUSD 5m, using 30m resolution
SPX500 5m, using 30m resolution
As I always says, all tools are great if you use them correctly: this is not the "Holy Grail", so always use proper money and risk management strategies.
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script.
(주식/Stocks) 삼성전자 Samsung Electronics
(선물/Futures) 나스닥 NASDAQ
(코인/Cryptocurrency) 비트코인 BTCKRW
Hello my dear traders.
My team has recently developed a technical indicator that surprises ourselves every time we observe a price action caused by this very indicator.
Relative Strength Index has been developed by a scholar named Welles Wilder. Just like me, he turned himself into a technical analyst from a mechanical engineer after realizing how powerful and beautiful technical analysis is. As most of you know, RSI is a technical indicator that measures and visualizes the strength of bulls or bears objectively, in a percentage unit. This index, which oscillates between 0~100, is useful when identifying the general trend of the market
Here is the equation that computes RSI.
RSI(%) = (Average of Upward Price Change within N /( Average of Upward Price Change within N + Average of Downward Price Change within N))*100
* N = Time period/length or the number of candlesticks that are being considered
RSI is one of the most popular indicators used by daily traders these days. However, since default setting of the RSI only considers the closed price of candles, many limitations and weak points have been spotted recently. Since current financial market (such as crypto, stocks, futures, and forex) is heavily volatile and unstable, candle’s tails are not being considered properly on RSI (and also any other indicators that are computed using closed price).
To handle this problem, our team has worked very hard to achieve applying candle’s tails on our indicators.
After numerous tries and updates, we have finally come up with a very decent one that plots RSI that reflects both the candle's wick and body. This indicator can be interpreted as a cloud of RSI just like Ichimoku.
Traders can consider this indicator as overbought/oversold only if all of the RSI lines, (or the whold cloud) enters to the zones. Moreover, plotting channels and trendline on this cloud works very well.
We have also made it to show divergence signals so that traders can refer when the relative strength of bulls/bears starts to resolve.
If you wish to obtain access to this indicator, please comment or DM to this account.
We will give you guys an update soon for a newer version!
안녕하세요 트레이더 여러분. 토미 트레이딩 팀입니다.
오늘은 요즘 많은 트레이더들이 유용하게 사용하는 RSI와 해당 지표의 한계점에 대해서 알려드리겠습니다. 또한 본 한계점을 극복하기 위해 저희 개발팀이 최근에 개발한 RSI 클라우드 지표에 대해서 소개해드리겠습니다.
RSI , Relative Strength Index (상대강도지수)는 1978년에 웰레스 월더라는, 저처럼 원래 공학자였지만 기술적분석이라는 학문에 푹 빠져 이쪽 분야로 발을 돌린 한 학자에 의해 개발됐습니다. 해당 지수는 주가의 상승/하락 압력 간의 상대적인 강도를 보여주는 보조지표로 추세의 강도세를 백분율로 표기해줍니다.
RSI를 산출하는 공식은 다음과 같습니다.
RSI (%) = (N의 상승폭 합계/(N의 상승폭 합계 + N의 하락폭 합계))*100
* N = Time period/length, 시간(캔들봉) 단위
본 공식에서 N은 RSI의 민감도를 조절하는 Parameter(설정값)로 보편적으로 Default(기본)값인 14, 조금 덜 민감한 값으로는 25가 사용됩니다. RSI의 단위는 %로 과매수 구간은 70~80%, 과매도 구간은 20~30%으로 사용됩니다. 즉 RSI가 70~80% 이상일 때 강세 혹은 과매수, 20~30%일 때 약세 혹은 과매도라고 판단할 수 있습니다.
정말로 직관적이면서도 참으로 쉽고 유용한 지표이죠.
하지만 아쉽게도 이 RSI도 크나 큰 한계점이 존재합니다. 해당 지수가 산정될 때 사용하는 소스값은 Closed, 즉 캔들의 종가로, 고가와 저가가 지수에 반영되지 않습니다. 즉 캔들의 꼬리는 해당 지수에 고려되지 않는다는 점입니다. 요즘에 누가 캔들 종가만 보고, 혹은 라인차트로만 매매하나요? 허구한날 미친 스캠무빙이 툭하면 나오는 현대 장에 종가만 가지고 매매하면 골로간다는건 다들 아실 거라 생각합니다. 요즘처럼 고변동성의, 툭하면 길고 뾰족한 꼬리들이 난무하는 현대 금융 시장에 적용시키기엔 문제가 너무 많습니다.
게다가 요즘에 너무나도 많은 개인투자자들이 RSI 지표를 사용합니다. 모두가 같은 자리, 같은 기법, 혹은 같은 지표를 쓰면 어떻게 된다고 했죠? 제가 매번 강조 드렸듯이 3~5% 개미 생종률은 불변의 법칙입니다. 모두가 롱을 외치면 숏자리를, 모두가 숏을 외치면 롱자리를 찾아야하는 금융시장. 높은 통찰력과 안목을 지닌 소수의 현명한 투자자들만 살아남는다고 제가 누누이 강조 드렸습니다.
이 문제를 해결하고자 최근 저희 팀은 캔들의 모든 가격들을 RSI지표에 반영시키기 위해, 그리고 종가를 기준이 아닌 다른 기준으로 다이버전스를 모색하는 매우 다양한 시도들을 해왔습니다.
수많은 연구, 실험 및 고찰 끝에 마침내 캔들의 모든 가격을 반영하는 RSI 지표를 만들고 말았습니다. 이름하여 RSI 클라우드! RSI를 하나의 라인이 아닌 범위로 표기를 함으로써 조금 더 보수적이고 정확하게 강도지수를 파악할 수 있게 되었습니다. 본 지표는 일목구름과 마찬가지로 RSI를 하나의 선이 아닌 구름대로 해석하시면 됩니다.
다수의 라인(라인들의 범주를 구름으로 표기함)으로 구성된 이 지표는 고려하는 모든 선들이 과매수/과매도 구역에 진입해야 과열로 간주함으로써 더 보수적으로 확실한 과열 상황들을 포착할 수 있습니다. 그리고 해당 지표에 평행 채널 및 추세선들이 기가 막히게 잘 들어맞습니다. 주가에 추세선/채널 작도하는 것처럼 활용하시면 됩니다. 이탈 방향 나올 때, 그리고 심지어 이탈 이후 리테스트도 나옵니다.
또한 다이버전스 역시 종가가 아닌 캔들의 평균값을 사용하여 시그널이 나오게끔 했습니다. 때문에 중간중간에 긴 꼬리들 혹은 말도 안되는 무빙이나 노이즈들로 발생되는 주가 <-> 지표 다이버전스의 괴리감을 최소화시켰습니다. 이 또한 자동으로 다이버전스를 잡도록 로직을 짰으니 상승/하락세의 과열이 점차 해소되기 시작할 때, 즉 변곡 잡으실 때 매우 유용하게 사용하실 수 있습니다.
물론 당연한 말이지만 이 지표 하나만 가지고 매매를 하면 안되겠죠? 본인만의 여러 기법 및 지표들의 튼튼한 조합을 구성할 때 하나의 기준으로써 참고를 해야합니다.
아래는 비트코인이 아닌 선물과 주식 차트입니다. 해당 차트들은 예전 차트도 아닌 최근 차트입니다. 이와 같이 종목/상품과 타임프레임을 불문하고 다 잘 맞습니다.
그러면 이상, 급변하는 21세기 현대 금융시장에 최적화된 기법, 지표 및 전략들을 꾸준히 연구하고 개발하는 토미 트레이딩 팀이었습니다.
Order Block Finder (Experimental)The purpose of this experimental Indicator is to help identifying Institutional Order Blocks.
Often these Order Blocks can be observed at the beginning of a strong move, but there is a significant probability that these price levels will be revisited at a later point in time again. Therefore these are interesting levels to place limit orders (Buy Orders for Bullish OB / Sell Orders for Bearish OB).
A Bullish Order block is defined as the last down candle before a sequence of up candles. (Relevant price range "Open" to "Low" is marked)
A Bearish Order Block is defined as the last up candle before a sequence of down candles. (Relevant price range "Open" to "High" is marked)
In the settings the number of required sequential candles can be adjusted.
Furthermore a %-threshold can be entered. It defines which minimum %-change the sequential move needs to achieve in order to identify a relevant Order Block. If this is used, it makes sense to adjust it to the timeframe which is analyzed as of course higher timeframes usually produce bigger moves.
Channels for the last Bullish/Bearish Block can be shown/hidden.
In addition to the upper/lower limits of each Order Block, also the equlibrium (average value) is marked as this is an interesting area for price interaction.
Please note that you can optionally display a "Docu"-Label which shows some information about the indicator as a tooltip.
As the identification of a relevant Order Block is only possible after the required number of subsequent candles has closed, this indicator "repaints" by definition. But I do not see this as an issue as the relevancy of the Order Blocks and the interaction of price with these levels usually only happens longer in the future anyway.
ICT Sessions [Killzones]This indicator was initially Created by @BryceWH.
Modification by @leonsholo
The indicator uses New York Time
I modified it to match my own criteria which includes:
- I adjusted the time zones.
- Added tags to the settings to make it easy to know which kill zones you are toggling on or off.
- Added the Asia session
- Added the London Close session
How The Indicator Works
Plots the Asia, London, New York and London Close Kill zone as overlay boxes using current daily high / lows.
Marked ranges will move as days range / high and low widens.
Middle fills can be turned on and off.
Colours can be changed to match your preference.
Created this indicator because I didn't like highlighting the whole chart background as seen in other ICT Kill zone indicators on trading view and wanted something visually clearer.
Boxes height can be changed. Positive number puts the box outside current days high and low, negative number puts box inside current days high and low.
" Adapted from Chris Moody's original indicator HLOC" - BryceWH
Block_Saver_v1This is a script that lets you manually add in a "Zone" by top and bottom price, which I intended to use so I could "Save" or "Trace Over" lines from the Breakers/OrderBlock indicator. This is so you can take the same drawing across different time-frames and charts, and color-code them.
In the future I will be adding labels to the top and/or bottom of blocks so you can annotate more specifically which time-frame they were formed on, price level, etc.
ZFelds' Godmode OrderBlocksPlots Orderblocks/Orderflow/Supply and Demand Levels based on Volume + EMA + RSI Levels.
When using this indicator, please make sure the "Benchmark" Ticker is set to the same chart/ticker you're working on.
The default Benchmark for this indicator is NAS100USD. If you are looking at ANY other chart, you will need to change the Benchmark from NAS100USD to the ticker you are using.
For instance, in this example - if you wanted to instead have the indicator plot OrderBlocks for BTCUSD, you would change the Benchmark setting from "NAS100USD" to "BTCUSD" as shown in the chart example.
Thanks for looking!
[astropark] Breaker Blocks, Supply Demand Order BlocksDear Followers,
today a new powerful indicator! Welcome to the great world of Breaker Blocks (BB) and Supply-Demand Order Blocks !
So what's the point? As always, the point is how to trade as safer as possible!
Breaker Blocks are price ranges where you simply have to wait for a pullback and sell-buy on its touch and price bounce, like in the screenshot below:
Supply and Demand are very important concepts, synonymous of Support and Resistance in most cases.
You should never sell whenever near a demand/support zone, unless price breaks through it as too weak. The same for supply/resistance: you should not buy near resistance, as most times you may start a trade with very high losing risk.
Here a screenshot how indicator works showing supply and demand order blocks (just enable them from indicator's option):
This indicator
can analyze chart based on high-low candle prices or open-close one
can show you Breaker Blocks (BB)
can show you Supply & Demand Order Blocks (OB)
lets you decide if you want to see high-low or open-close range of each OB
lets you edit the analysis window
lets you see local tops and bottoms of price as labels
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script .
CME Bitcoin Gap Finder Orderblock Support ResistanceCME Bitcoin Gap Finder Orderblock Support Resistance
I had a backlog of scripts to release, and so everyone is getting some Christmas gifts early!
I have been watching CME gaps and how they relate to BTC for over a year now. I find they make good orderblock support/resistance areas.
There is a limitation to how many lines I can draw with the new pine script functions. So for instance if you want to see the gaps from 2018 I have included a date range selector (similar to how a backtest works). This way you can only display the gaps from the dates ranges you want to see.
There's also the ability to check for gaps on the daily, 12h, 4h, and 1h charts. I recommend using 12H. But know that depending on what period you choose it will effect the size of the gaps, so experiment and see what works for you.
Lastly I included the ability to have background highlights whenever CME is closed on the weekend, just for visual reference.
You can use this indicator on any BTC ticker, and it will show you where the CME gaps are (without having to switch/reference the CME chart).
👍 We hope you enjoyed this indicator and find it useful! We post free crypto analysis, strategies and indicators regularly. This is our 74th script on Tradingview!
💬Check my Signature for other information
OB & SSIBA MA by rEPLAYErThis is custom indicator for rEPLAYEr & Oh-Ssiba.
This indicator is a custom script that combines an orderblock with a moving average line.
I will invite only my team members.
If u want this indicator, plz send me message
best regards
[AN] OrderBlocksEases the find of possible support and resistance areas.
The Orderblock finder allows overlaying blocks from another timeframe
Customizable strength of previous move and extended info pane.
Orderblocks [CosmonautC]Orderblock script, automatically finds orderblocks and then marks them out.
There are 3 inputs:
length == lookback length
Sensitivity == How small/big moves are needed to plot a new orderblock
levels == How many pairs of Orderblock levels to plot. 1 pair = 1 orderblock from a down move and 1 orderblock from an up move
I hope you enjoy it and hopefully can make some better decisions with it :D
Nexgen Order Block Helper for N-Lab ResercherThis is Nexgen Order Block Helper for Nexgen Lab Resercher.
Only our Lab member can use this.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Nexgen Order Block Helper Ver 0.1.2 By [rEPLAYEr]======
Hello. We have developed a logic named ‘OB Helper’ which helps traders to easily find the Order Block and its EQ level.
📩 For those wanting to use our script please DM us.
こんにちは。トレーダーがOrder BlockとそのEQレベルを容易に見つけられるようにする 「OB Helper」というロジックを開発しました。
📩 私たちのスクリプトを使用したい方は、私たちにDMを送ってください。
이 스크립트는 수평매물대인 order block과 OB의 EQ를 찾는데 도움을 줍니다.
📩 본 스크립트의 사용과 활용방법에 대한 자세한 문의를 원하시면 DM 주세요
Volume Supply and Demand ZonesDraws supply and demand zones of 3 types, based on 3 different volume threshold parameters.
The timeframe of the script is fixed (you can change it in the options), so for example it is possible to keep Daily S/D zones while looking at 1h chart.