MavXtrenderConverted the B-Xtrender script from Puppytherapy into a strategy script.
B-Xtrender was created by Bharat Jhunjhunwal and published in this IFTA Journal .
I've added the following features:
Ability to use factors instead of individual values for each parameter. This will allow you to quickly check different averages (5 vs 7 for example).
Defaults adjusted for crypto trading (7 days/week).
Switches to use either the short or long term indicator, or both.
Time window
相対力指数 (RSI)
RSI StrategyNothing special in this strategy its just purely and application of RSI in 1hour chart of XAUUSD.
RSI Strategy & MA CrossCombination of two strategy.
MA Cross strategy is using 2 sma at 9 & 21. It can be configured through the source code.
RSI strategy to decide whether the stock/crypto is currently overbought/oversold.
Useful for quick entry and exit trade.
Multifactor Inverse Fisher Strategy (ps4)Best for higher time frames - 30m, 1H, 2H, 3H, 4H, D this strategy uses several factors that are pushed through an Inverse Fisher Transform (IFT). The higher the TF, the better the performance, up to 98%, but the number of deals tends to drop). Middle time frames (5m, 15m) look viable with Scaled Price (Scaled %P) and MFI factors. The factor list can be extended to include cci, stoch, rsi_stoch, emo, macd, cog, dpo, roc, accdist, cctbb, mom, awesome, tva, etc. Some of them need to be rescaled to a 0..100 interval. The IFT produces a value in the -1..1 interval (see: This indicator does NOT repaint.
2-Period RSI strategy (with filter)2-period RSI strategy backtest described in several books of the trader Larry Connors . This strategy uses a 2 periods RSI , one slow arithmetic moving average and one fast arithmetic moving average.
Entry signal:
- RSI 2 value below oversold level (Larry Connors usually sets oversold to be below 5, but other authors prefer to work below 10 due to the higher number of signals).
- Closing above the slow average (200 periods).
- Entry at closing of candle or opening of next candle.
Exit signal:
- Occurs when the candlestick closes above the fast average (the most common fast average is 5 periods, but some traders also suggest the 10 period average).
Entry Filter (modification made by me):
- Applied an RSI2 arithmetic moving average to smooth out oscillations.
- Entered only when RSI2 is below oversold level and RSI2 moving average is below 30.
* NOTE: In the stocks that I evaluate daily the averages of 4 and 6 periods work very well as a filter.
This strategy works very well in Daily charts but can be applied in other chart times as well. As this is a strategy to catch market fluctuations, it presents different results with different stocks.
I have been applying this strategy to the stocks of the Brazilian market (BOVESPA) and have enjoyed the result. Every day I evaluate the stocks that are generating entry signals and choose which one to trade based on the stocks with the highest Profit Value.
The RSI 2 averaging filter probably will reduce profit of the backtests because reduces the number of signals, but the Profit Value will usually increase. For me this was a good thing because without the filter, this strategy usually shows more signals than I have capital to allocate.
Before entering a trade I look at which fast average the paper has the highest Profit Value and then I use this average as my output signal for that trade (this change has greatly improved the result of the outputs).
This strategy does not use Stop Loss because normally Stop Loss decreases effectiveness (profit). In any case, the option to apply a percentage Stop Loss if desired is added in the script. As the strategy does not use stop, extra caution with risk management is advisable. I advise not to allocate more than 20% of the trade capital in the same operation.
I'm still studying ways to improve this strategy, but so far this is the best setup I've found. Suggestions are always welcome and we can test to see if they improve the backtest result.
Good luck and good trades.
Backtest das estratégia do IFR de 2 períodos descrita em varios livros do trader Larry Connors . Esta estratégia usa um IFR de 2 períodos, uma média movel aritmética lenta e uma média movel aritmética rápida.
Sinal de entrada:
- Valor do IFR 2 abaixo do nível de sobrevenda (Larry Connors usualmente define sobrevenda sendo abaixo de 5, mas outros autores preferem trabalhar abaixo de 10 devido ao maior número de sinais).
- Fechamento acima da média lenta (200 períodos).
- Realizado a compra no fechamento do candle ou na abertura do candle seguinte.
Sinal de saída:
- Ocorre quando o candle fecha acima da média rápida (a média rápida mais comum é a de 5 períodos, mas alguns traders sugerem também a média de 10 períodos).
Filtro para entrada (modificação feita por mim):
- Aplicado uma média móvel aritmética do IFR2 para suavisar as oscilações.
- Realizado a entrada apenas quando o IFR2 está abaixo do nível de sobrevenda e a média móvel do IFR2 está abaixo de 30.
*OBS: nos ativos que avalio diariamente as médias de 4 e 6 períodos funcionam muito bem como filtro.
Esta estratégia funciona muito bem no tempo gráfico Diário mas pode ser aplicada tambem em outros tempos gráficos. Como trata-se de uma estratégia para pegar oscilações do mercado, ela apresenta diferentes resultados com diferentes ativos.
Eu venho aplicando esta estratégia nos ativos do mercado brasileiro (BOVESPA) e tenho gostado do resultado. Diariamente eu avalio os papeis que estão gerando entrada e escolho qual irei realizar o trade baseado nos papeis que apresentam maior Profit Value.
O filtro da média do IFR 2 reduz o lucro nos backtests pois reduz também a quantidade de sinais, mas em compensação o Profit Value irá normalmente aumentar. Para mim isto foi algo positivo pois, sem o filtro, normalmente esta estratégia apresenta mais sinais do que possuo capital para alocar.
Antes de entrar em um trade eu olho em qual média rápida o papel apresenta maior Profit Value e então eu utilizo está média como meu sinal de saída para aquele trade (esta mudança tem melhorado bastante o resultado das saídas).
Está estratégia não utiliza Stop Loss pois normalmente o Stop Loss diminui a eficácia (lucro). De qualquer maneira, foi acrescentado no script a opção de aplicar um Stop Loss percentual caso seja desejado. Como a estratégia não utiliza stop é aconselhável um cuidado redobrado com o gerenciamento de risco. Eu aconselho não alocar mais de 20% do capital de trade em uma mesma operação.
Ainda estou estudando formas de melhorar esta estratégia, mas até o momento está é a melhor configuração que encontrei. Sugestões são sempre bem vindas e podemos testar para verificar se melhoram o resultado do backtest.
Boa sorte e bons trades.
Strategy JMA(7,50,RSI) crossing RSI(14,close)Hello, i would like to submit a script dealing with Jurik Moving Average Crossing RSI . Also to avoid false positive, i made a test with long/short positions and entry/closing prices but unfortunately it's not working. I may be too noob to Pine.
If you have some ideas to refactor / improve / make this section works:
// ======= DEBUGGGGGGGG ============
long_price = 0.0
short_price = 0.0
if(startTime and endTime)
long_price := close
strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, when = goLong())
strategy.close("Buy", when = killLong() and close > long_price)
// Shorting if using
goShort() => killLong()
killShort() => goLong()
if(startTime and endTime)
short_price := close
strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short, when = goShort() and close < short_price)
strategy.close("Sell", when = killShort())
// =========================
Double 7's StrategyStrategy described in the book "Short Term Trading Strategies that Work", written by Larry Connors and Cesar Alvarez.
It is the simplest strategy I know and has only 3 rules:
- Price must be above the arithmetic moving average of 200 periods.
- Buy when the price closes below the closing of the last 7 days.
- Sale when the price closes above the closing of the last 7 days.
Simple as it may seem, this strategy works very well in some stocks and/or graphical times (in some stocks it overcomes many RSI 2 strategies). It was developed for the daily chart and does not usually work well on weekly or monthly charts, but can be used for day trades if the back-test proves to be favorable.
If you want, you can change the input and output rules by setting other values for the input or output period and thus find more positive results for specific stocks.
There is no stop loss because in tests the stop loss usually reduces the gains of the strategy.
Good luck and good trades.
Estrategia descrita no livro "Short Term Trading Strategies that Work", escrito por Larry Connors e Cesar Alvarez.
É a estratégia mais simples que eu conheço e tem apenas 3 regras:
- Preço deve estar acima da média móvel aritmética de 200 períodos.
- Compre quando o preço fechar abaixo do fechamento dos ultimos 7 dias.
- Venda quando o preço fechar acima do fechamento dos ultimos 7 dias.
Por mais simples que pareça, esta estratégia funciona muito bem em alguns papeis e/ou tempos gráficos (em alguns papeis a mesma supera muitas estratégias pelo IFR2). A mesma foi desenvolvida para o gráfico diário e normalmente não funciona muito bem em gráficos semanais ou mensais, mas pode ser utilizado no intraday caso o backtest se mostre favorável.
Caso você queira, é possível alterar a regra de entrada e saída definindo outros valores para o período de entrada ou saída e assim encontrar resultados mais positivos para cada papel.
Não existe stop loss pois nos testes normalmente o stop loss reduz os ganhos da estratégia.
Boa sorte e bons trades.
QuantNomad - RSI Strategy - LTCUSDT - 5mReally nice performance of Simple RSI Strategy for LTCUSDT ( Binance ) 5m chart.
Params: RSI Length: 3, RSI OverSold level: 47, RSI OverBought Level: 56
Performance: 391% profit, 2400 trades, 42% prof, 14.6% dd , 0.65 sharpe.
I think this strategy can be a really nice base for a pretty good strategy. We have quite a lot of trades here you can add additional filters that will improve strategy a bit.
And remember:
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
QuantNomad - RSI Strategy - NKE - 5mReally good performance of Simple RSI Strategy for Nike (NKE) 5m chart.
Params: RSI Length: 30, RSI OverSold level: 45, RSI OverBought Level: 60
Performance:57% profit, 112 trades, 73% prof, 6.7% dd, 1.36 sharpe.
And remember:
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Kozlod - RSI Strategy - 1 minute - ETHUSDTrying to find simple strategies with optimal parameters which work well for certain symbols/timeframe.
Found that basic RSI strategy without any position management works pretty good for 1m chart for BTCUSDT.
It might not work very good on it's not but can give you a pretty good base for more complicated indicators.
Also, some position management as simple as static SL and PT can improve performance quite a lot.
And remember:
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Kozlod - RSI Strategy - 1 minuteStarted to play with very simple strategies. Trying to find ones with optimal parameters which work well for certain symbols/timeframe.
Found that basic RSI strategy without any position management with high RSI length (65 in this script) works pretty good for 1m chart for few stocks.
It's also not bad for AAPL , SPY .
It might not work very good on it's not but can give you a pretty good base for more complicated indicators.
And remember:
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
STOP-LOSS-RSI with Edge-Preserving Filter Strategy V2Modified RSI strategy with entry and exit points.
I have allowed for High and Low risk for anyone interested in using it (NO GUARANTEES. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH).
I will later consider incorporating the standard RSI for exit points. I am sure returns will increase based on current test runs :)
Returns look good based on the strategy result.
Simple Relative Strength IndexCreated this script to simply let us predict buy and sell for RSI 15 and 85 (configurable).
It is best use for ETH and monthly chart.
Good for people who can not stay for daily trade and only able to trade few times a month.
The earning is quite lucrative while ETH is on up trend. However, this will not work when ETH on side way.
This only work when ETH is excited!!!
Happy sharing..
Credit to anonymous-es that i used their codes.
Flow Trend Indicator StrategyImplemented the trend indication part of the CHOP_LRSI indicator as a strategy.
Tangram Bot 2 - SmartbotPrimeira Versão do Script Tangram Bot 2 da Smartbot para tradingview.
A intenção é agilizar e fazer um teste prévio e rápido do setup.
O resultado indicado aqui jamais corresponderá a um resultado real. É apenas uma ferramenta de estudo.
Ainda falta fazer e melhorar a parte de gestão de risco.
Caso queria fazer alguma sugestão ao cógido para melhorar a gestão de risco ou caso tenha encontrado algum erro, favor comunicar.
O tangram bot 2 combina o uso de até dez Indicadores de Análise Técnica com Gerenciamento de Risco (stop gain, stop loss, stop móvel, realização parcial, bloqueio de reversões, lucro máximo por dia e prejuízo máximo por dia) e Filtros Diversos (sentido das operações, uso do after-market, bloqueio de nova entrada após saída, hora inicial e hora final para negociação). São utilizados os indicadores Médias Móveis, HiLo Activator, MACD, ADX, Estocástico, VWAP, IFR, Bandas de Bollinger, Stop ATR e SAR Parabólico
SARSI Reversal StrategySimple reversal strategy based on 'Parabolic Stop and Reverse' and 'Relative Stength Index' indicators.
Powerfull strategy MACD+RSI+STOCH ATR stop best on Crude OilMy strategy uses a combination of three indicators MACD Stochastic RSI .
The Idea is to buy when ( MACD > Signal and RSI > 50 and Stochastic > 50) occures at the same time the BUY STop we place on previous day HIGH
and sell (short) when the opposite condition occurs we place SELL STOP on previous day LOW
We exit on Take profit or Stop loss which is calculated by ATR (10) or on the opposite signal "Volatility breakout"
This strategy works well on stocks, commodities and cryptos especially during market breaking up after consolidation
The best results are on Daily charts , so its NOT a scalping strategy. But it can work also on 1H charts.
The strategy does not have any stops and profit targets, so we can take all the market can give us at the moment.
The exit point only when MACD goes under Signal
Its Preformance is significantly better with "buy stop on High.1 and sell stop on Low.1" idea and exit on "volatility price breakout"
So, use it, trade it.
If it will help you to imprive your trading results, please donate me
BTC: 12kd1F8buWisUBdq27BBwRkUvzW7Ey3og
Powerfull strategy MACD + RSI + Stoch buy on High exit on ATRMy strategy uses a combination of three indicators MACD Stochastic RSI .
The Idea is to buy when ( MACD > Signal and RSI > 50 and Stochastic > 50) occures at the same time the BUY STop we place on previous day HIGH
We exit on Take profit or Stop loss which is calculated by ATR (10) or on the opposite signal "Volatility breakout"
This strategy works well on stocks, commodities and cryptos especially during market breaking up after consolidation
The best results are on Daily charts , so its NOT a scalping strategy. But it can work also on 1H charts.
The strategy does not have any stops and profit targets, so we can take all the market can give us at the moment.
The exit point only when MACD goes under Signal
Its Preformance is significantly better with "buy stop on High.1" idea and exit on "volatility price breakout"
So, use it, trade it.
If it will help you to imprive your trading results, please donate me
BTC: 12kd1F8buWisUBdq27BBwRkUvzW7Ey3og5
Multiple MACD RSI simple strategySimple strategy script I've had for a while but looks like I never published.
Although it is one of my most simple it seems to have the best profitability. It is pretty rough though. the Stoch RSI has only a little weight to the trade trigger. I'll refine it more over time or you can by all means. Basically the Stoch RSI current K line has to be OVER 40 to trigger a SELL. It has no effect on buy side.
The triggers are roughly as follows:
Year - since so many assets have gone 2x, 3x, 10x+ since 2013 having a strategy that earns a 500% return from 2013 to now isn't that good if buy-and-holding would have got you 800%. This eliminates some of that noise and makes it a little easier to quickly gauge success. So buy/sell trigger need a value of greater or equal to 2018 (default)
MACD 1 - First MACD (short) needs to indicate greater than 0 to buy or less than 0 to sell.
MACD 2 - Same as MACD1 but for second MACD set (long)
Uptrend - Latest close + high divided by last periods close + high needs to be grater than 1. So if latest is 34.30 close and 34.60 high and previous interval is 34.80 close and 34.82 high, that is 0.99 and will not trigger a buy trade.
Downtrend - Same thing but close + low and less than 1.
This script/strategy is pretty rough but if there is interest I'll polish it more since it is a pretty solid but simple strategy for most assets.