
Aena S.M.E., S.A. (AENA.mc):

We can found a technical figure Triangle in Spanish company Aena, SME S. A. (AENA.mc) on a daily chart. Aena, SME S. A.is a Spanish public company incorporated as a public limited company that manages general interest airports in Spain. The company, which is 51% owned by the public business entity ENAIRE, operates 45 airports and two heliports in Spain and participates through its subsidiary "Aena Internacional," in the management of 15 airports in Europe and America, which makes the company in the first airport operator in the world by a number of passengers. The Triangle has broken through the support line on 07/09/2021. If the price holds below this level, you can have a possible bearish price movement with a forecast for the next 12 days towards 130.70 EUR. According to the experts, your stop loss should be around 139.40 EUR if you enter this position.

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