
BTCUSD Bybit Chart Analysis May 25

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I will begin BTCUSD Bybit Bitcoin Chart Analysis for May 25.

Bitcoin 30 minute chart.

More details are at the bottom of the analysis on May 24th,
I put it in a comment.

Yesterday, on a Nasdaq basis, there was a clear split between the upside and the downside.

*Upward Gap + Daily chart MACD Golden Cross
*Downside was a BB 4 6 12 MACD deadcross collapse.

According to the indicator announcement at 1:20,
For a rebound from the current position or a major rebound from the bottom
It was a win.

Red resistance line / green support line
The pole sidewalk has been completed.

Bitcoin is also marked with a black finger in major sections.

Like the Nasdaq,
Finishing the pole sideways without breaking the green support line.

From the 23rd Gap retracement to the breakout of the green support line
Those who are maintaining a long position
You may be making a profit.

or at the green support line,
Those who entered the long position seem to be able to start comfortably.

Let's take a closer look today.

This is the Nasdaq 4 hour chart.

Today's approximate Top and Bottom prices are displayed.

around the green support line
Check the red up/light blue down movement path

In the medium term, the current position
Breakthrough resistance line -> breakout
Or , monthly support line -> major rebound

In case of failure or downward direction,
Please note that it may continue to decline in the month of June.

It has been substituted for Bitcoin.

Bitcoin 4 hour chart

Today's approximate Top and Bottom prices are displayed.

Green support line
Red up / sky blue down movement path check

I made today's trading strategy.

Forgive me for being late.

We decided to proceed with the long-position strategy according to today's voting.

There are many sideways crossings and many branching points.
The headache got worse, so I kept thinking about it and it was late.

Red arrow one-way long position strategy.

The final match was placed on the green support line.

In case of vertical drop, it can go down to the bottom
In today's flow, I marked the danger zone up to the light blue finger.

* When the red arrow moves

Just like yesterday, starting with the first long
A break below the green support line today will result in the strategy failing.

1) $30526 short position switching / Stop loss when the pink resistance line is broken

2) $29368.5 long position switching / Stop loss when the green support line is broken

The final target is $31012.

I didn't mark the short entry place today.
A short position in a vertical downtrend or a downtrend is yours.
You might want to try it yourself.

There is also a retracement of the Nasdaq gap.
Because the pattern is still alive
Today, we challenge the altcoin fire again.

To those who have been holding the long since the 26th, I wish you good luck.

I'll finish it.

Thank you for reading today.


It's a Bitcoin guide.

After writing the analysis on May 25th, I will check the movement.

This is the move after the final close of the Nasdaq.
I marked the main sections with black fingers.

Following the purple parallel line I marked
right-hand finish.

Yesterday it was within the 2-hour support level -> within the 2-hour resistance level.
Right upward sideways finished.

Unfortunately, it was finished right before the Gap reversion.
Currently, the 4 hour chart resistance line touches all sections / The phoneme is thin.
I got a chance to connect with Jinban light.

A rebound came from where I had to drop it,
There is a strange form of movement that kills shots little by little.

Let's look at it as a whole.

Bitcoin 30 minute chart.

I marked the main sections with black fingers.

Following the Nasdaq movement,
Do not deviate from the green support line.
pole sideways finish.

Fortunately, there was no deviation from the green support line.

Closed within the red resistance/green support level.

Unlike the Nasdaq,
There is a condition for Bitcoin to rise strongly upwards.

Let's take a closer look at the whole thing.

I'll see you later.

thank you.

*비트코인가이드 공식텔레그램 Telegram

*빙엑스 BingX 50%DC+$5,000 (청산할때만 총1회수수료)

*바이비트 Bybit 20%DC+$5,020

*게이트아이오 Gateio 30%DC+$6666
