Bitcoin date of reckoning, 30 years ago in 1988

Search for the cover of the Economist January 9th, 1988

The coin has the words 'ten' and the number 10, with the year 2018.

10/10/18, possibly the of October 10th, 2018,

The center of the coin, is an o or a 0(zero) with a slash through it, it's a 135 or 315 degree angle. On that angle in the square of 9 is the value 81 (315-degree), 81 squared is 6561, which is, depending on how the next 30 minutes go, near the close of the October 9th/Open of October 10th.

Important to recognize the importance of the number 9 and it's frequency

315 = 3+1+5 = 9
135 = 1+3+5 = 9
81 = 8+1 = 9
6561 (81 squared) = 6+5+6+1 = 18, 18 is a multiple of 9 and 1+8 = 9

30 year cycle from that Economist article with a square in price and time
The Mercury is Opposite Uranus on that date, as is the moon opposite Uranus
Git yur Magic 8 balls, chicken bones and Madame Cleio 1-900 numbers ready, cause this is about to boom higher.
Beyond Technical AnalysisGannHarmonic Patterns
