Bitcoin - EVERYBODY wants the price to go lower

And that is why it probably won't. The Bulls that didn't get enough want the price lower so they can back up the truck and load up more Bitcoin. The Bears that got left behind at $3,200 want the price lower so they can say "I told you so" and finally get some Bitcoin at a decent price.

Yep, EVERYBODY wants the price to go lower for their own greedy reasons. Yes, I said greedy. The underlying reason everybody wants to see lower Bitcoin prices is not because they think it will fail but because THEY WANT MORE OF IT!

So..... what happens when everybody wants the same thing? The market tends to do the opposite.

If my count is correct we just completed Wave 4 and are starting Wave 5 UP!

That means we have all seen the cheaper prices for Bitcoin and many of us said "No thanks, I'll wait" To each his own I guess.

This is all just my opinion of course. You do what you want.

Good luck!

BBS out.

トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達
bitcoinbearslayerBTCBTCUSDElliott Wave
