Here comes the BIG SCARE!

The return of oil.

I could explain why but its all fake so it doesn't really matter.

Here comes the clowns, to bring in the next act. Unemployed clowns....

Do you like your job? Well enjoy it while you can

Rates raise = Unemployment raise = Rates fall = Unemployment raises more = commodities fall

Lets watch unemployment raise and see if im right

My Position

60 Petrobras calls $11 Strike January 27th. Then lets roll them forward till March.
BTW Brazils president is being inaugurated on Tuesday Jan 2nd. Lula is back.....

Lula is a BIG SPENDER! I expect some spending program announcements all through January..... Petrobras was also the main beneficiary of his last presidency as he involved their entire board in his Car Wash scandle.
Opened 60 more $10 calls. Lula announced an extension of tax breaks, the world needs Brazilian oil more then ever.
Position closed Friday for a 90% profit.
I rolled a very small portion of this position to 70 11.5 calls for ~$200.

Also opened 2 XOM calls for $115 strikes 3/17 just to watch. I will add to this over the next week as I unwind some other positions.

