👨🏻‍🏫 DOT is another coin which a lot of people call as looser of the 2021 (ADA, LTC, ...).

🤷‍♂️ I still do not understand why. I can understand some HODLer which bought DOT around 20 - 25 - 30. But if you check the history of DOT or if you analyse market cap., you need to say that DOT is a great and strong coin.

For trading you need to go with trend, sentiment and use TA. We are not gamblers and TA have some rules which you have to respect.

TP for ADA are:

✅ TP1 - 31 usd
✅ TP2 - 35 usd
✅ TP3 - 40 usd

⛔️ SL - 22 usd

