USD major fractal buy

Showing the most clear completed waves on the highest fractal possible with the data available.

This is actually one of my most highly probable formations that is taking place and shown here (ABC with a WXYXZ sub-wave in the C leg). With a bare minimum bullish target, which is entirely about completed waves the levels shown here are laid roughly and with a general expectation, zooming in to lower fractals and counting waves for measured entries.

The pattern itself can be a bit tricky as it completes, meaning from this fractal (timeframe/perspective of waves) will come in with different "intensities" or "volatility" ...this is why you simply have to drop lower in fractals and count the sub-waves....waves inside of waves.

The best part of this pattern is that its a wave 1-2 and when it completes, kicks off waves 3-4-5 with wave 3 the largest and biggest move of the overall 1-2-3-4-5 or 1 complete impulsive move

Elliott WaveWave Analysis
