
GME will fall to it's end.

NYSE:GME   GameStop
After yesterday's events, we all must bethink the same thing: Will it(GME) grow? However, this is a hard topic to converse because r/wallstreetbets has literally changed the stock completely. But here are my predictions. We see the stock grow tremendously over the past day, however, today after a series of declines that stock will most likely return to its a normal state(45 bucks). As the stock continues to grow, the stock will NEVER go back to the previous state, why? Well think, if people who already hold the stock are making money why would they sell it quite yet. There may be a final blow to its triumph, then it may die down. People holding the stock will wait for the growth of the stock until it declines. We all know it's gonna lose money. Another prediction is GME no more. Previous stockholders will sell their shares and the stock will plummet the charts to it's death. The stock may not reach $45, it will go even lower. No one will take this risk, unless they are newbies. But all is to early to say, who knows WallStreetBets may have another trick up its sleeve.
