how to buy/sel gold, stocks or cryptocurrencies at a good price?

How to buy gold, stocks or cryptocurrencies at a good price in a bear market?

There are usually two trading strategies, it depends on whether the market is in a bullish or bearish phase.

The common sentiment of many people in an uptrend, they think that the market will continue to increase so they can buy at any price, leading to fomo psychology and many people losing heavily.
Conversely, in a bear market, many people are afraid that the market will continue to go down and will not buy a good price, or when the price drops to a certain level, they will buy because it is a low but realistic price. the market continues to go down

How to avoid the above mistakes?

These are 2 reliable technical indicators for everyone. it is not bollinger bands or rsi indicator.
What is its effect?

"AromB Market Index""
One is to help you know if the market is near a bottom or near a top.
The second is the market going down or going up.
"AromB PL"
three is the price at which you can best buy in a bear market or the price at which you can best sell in a bull market
The combination of the two indicators above is probably a perfect match.

Do not use elliot or wyckoff waves to predict prices, which will lead to subjective errors.

