
ridethepig | NZD for the Yearly Close

ridethepig アップデート済   
📌 @ridethepig G10 FX Market Commentary - NZD for the Yearly Close

Here we are tracking the weak points in the structure which are strategically important points in every map. They are usually protected and once broken and be rewarding with non-stop moves. The handle to track here is 0.74xx which is well placed and comes to undertaking other duties of preventing the flow back towards 0.883x.

Now the early strength of this can be seen with the latest breakup, it is a monthly closing in drastic fashion - a veteran soldier ready to march. A breakdown in Dollar for 2021 is a 'good deed' for the rest of the world but actually we will cover a whole chapter around how it is the only monetary option. After a Biden victory we can expect them to rush through a digital dollar and trigger defaults, things will develop quickly so time to start paying attention for the 2021 flows now.

Thanks as usual for keeping the feedback coming 👍 or 👎
トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達

