Are ONDO Bulls Looking For $2 Mark?

ONDO has a market cap of $1.31 Billion and is ranked 66th in the cryptoverse. ONDO token has a supply of 10,000,000,000 and 30% of it is circulating in the market. The coin price is currently trading near the value of $0.936 with a gain of 11.2%.
ONDO token price is currently forming strong bullish candles on the daily chart. On the 4 hour chart the asset price is trading above the 50 and 200 Moving Average. Meanwhile on the upside trend the asset price can see a halt near the value of $1.05 and support price can be observed near $0.8
The RSI and MACD of the ONDO token price are in an oversold zone. The overall sentiment of the indicators is bullish.

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