NYSE:SEMR   SEMrush Holdings, Inc.
SEMrush stock analysis. Is it time to Buy SEMrush?
SEMrush competitors
SEMRush is on of leaders in SaaS seo tools with +1 500 employees on Linkedin www.linkedin.com/company/semrush/ with active hiring with 53 job openings

Partial competitor is Similarweb and it is only company from list of competitors is trading on stock exchange is Similarweb finance.yahoo.com/quote/SMWB?p=SMWB&...

Main competitors of SEMrush are only :
1. MOZ with 310 employees on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/moz/ with active hiring with 27 open jobs. This company was acquired by iContact Marketing Corp in 2021.
2. Ahrefs with 112 employees on Linkedin www.linkedin.com/company/ahrefs/ no active hiring.
3. SE Ranking with 150 employees www.linkedin.com/com...ny/se-ranking/about/ , no active hiring

Small competitors
SERPstat from NetPeak marketing agency, there is no info how many people work here but I expect not more than 100 employees dedicated to SERPstat. No activel hiring. www.linkedin.com/com...pany/serpstat/about/

Spyfu with 18 employees on linkedin www.linkedin.com/company/spyfu/ without actively hiring.
My main conclusion from this data and from my experience:
- MOZ is “old-school” SEO tool and is not so modern and fresh as Semrush and Ahrefs
- SEMrush is fighting for dominance and TOP 1 of SEO tool on the market.
- SEMrush has all chances to run away from competitors and become “winner takes it all”
SEMrush Financials
Quarterly SEMrush report Nov 14, 2022 for 3rd quarter of 2022 seekingalpha.com/filing/7067369
Some insights seekingalpha.com/pr/...22-financial-results

Income statement

Key insights from SEMrush Income statement:
- Revenue is growing with slowdown from 50% to 30% quarterly
- A huge increase in selling expenses and R&D teams means that the company increases its own Sales and development teams. If we investigate LinkedIn, we will see 53 Job openings

