SAFEPAL a crypto with incredible potential for appreciation! SFP

Technical analysis regarding the price of SAFEPAL in relation of dollar Tether for the next scenarios, based on 15 minutes movement.

This crypto was listed on Binance yesterday at 10am and so far it has only been increasing! It is a great investment for anyone looking for medium/long term returns.
A company with great fundamentals and solid bases to deliver what it says! I've been investing heavily in this crypto and well, the trend is to increase its price even more.

Projection made a little over the hour, on a 15-minute graph, to which the graphical pattern (ascending triangle) is materializing and there is also confluence of the regions with Fibonacci.

*** In accordance with CVM Instruction No. 598, of May 3, 2018, Art. 21, I declare that the recommendations of this analysis reflect solely and exclusively my personal opinions and perceptions and that they were prepared independently and autonomously. Not being considered a purchase and/or sale recommendation. ***
CryptocurrencyTechnical IndicatorssfpTechnical AnalysisTrend AnalysisTriangletrianglebreak

