It's scary, and surreal. I've watched this set up ever so slowly since 2018 when I first started to look for possible ending zones for a SPX rally. Now, we're here. Something big is due to happen. The US market is trading at a major inflection point. The most critical time in the US markets in at least the last 15 yrs - possibly in my lifetime.
Good luck, SPX. It's starting to feel like you might need it.
This 423 extension of the previous 50% crash is yet again another mirror up we have to the Great Depression. This was the long forward looking sell signal of 1929 - possible to chart up as early as 1921.
I've said it so many times, tried so hard to explain my reasons for it and found it frustratingly hard to show people - but I really do think it's possible we've seen the best of the US market for a long time. Millenniums will teach their kids markets are risky. They'll leave the market and not return until they are into their 60s.
I think the markets are ready to rotate to Asia.