
Almost reasonable in the context of madness

If you're a money-losing datatainment company that has 'only' double digit EV/Revenue instead of 100+ or even 200, like Snowflake, does that make you a good deal? Idk.

There are so many monitoring solutions to choose from, some are even free. You can always roll your own. Seems kind of like these companies are depending on big customers not really caring what they're paying for. Like if you send out a bunch of $5 invoices, someone will pay just to get it out of their face, even if they didn't really buy anything.

If you're offering monitoring stacks to IT departments, you're like the support of the supporters, because IT usually just helps some business, not really bringing in the dollars themselves. And I think in this kind of fraction * fraction * real thing math, you can hardly ever claim to be worth a hundred billion or whatever. Billions, sure.

Clearly one of the more boring dotcom 2.0 entries.

