ALT Coins & Predictive Models II

If you go back to my previous idea for TOTAL3, you'll see that I had "eye-balled" a pitchfork (downward) to show a channel that I figured we would eventually take. I may not have gotten 100% accuracy on that fork but it was obvious (to me anyway) that we had some serious correction coming. That fork has proven itself after all.

So welcome to the next leg of the bear market, even if the plunge protection teams get in there and attempt to prop things up, bear markets are NECESSARY and deep corrections are EXACTLY what we need in order to shake weak projects, weak hands, hopium, hype and all the scams from our midst.

What has value is worth paying for and owning, the rest will vanish (assuming a free and generally un-tampered market, which we don't really have)

Enjoy the interim relief rally here but don't hold your breath for 90k Bitcoin and ETH, it still pretty much sucks, it's expensive, slow to transact and mostly a pain in the arse to work with.

* * * Not Investment advice * * *

