
XRPUSD: How too many coins leaves people CONFUSED?

Based on an editorial I have read some five years ago from Harvard Business Review there are two problems with our modernized life which specifically had been addressed for Business Managers. Generally, two main problems were introduced:

1. Attention Deficit
2. Attention Deficit Disorder

First type is due our todays bombard with the huge & too various ranges of information through emails, social media, TV and the like. To this point we just are not able to stay focused enough to address & consider what really matters to our lives since we simply get confused as how to deal with abundant posts & emails & calls. Right?

Second type is a kind of disease which needs to be cured and people with ADD or ADHD have certain symptoms which can tremendously affect their everyday lives quality. If one can not afford to stay focused, either due to the first type or the latter one, how s/he would be able to make proportionated decisions, delve into finding an implementation plan to achieve them and eventually practising them consecutively from A to Z to have a single task accomplished?

Well! How these two might be of any relevance to Trading?

When we address Investment-Trading Portfolio Management Plan, there is a Package of Preset Goals, with an Action Plan and we will be able to IGNOR too many IRRELEVANT information bombing by friends, family, news & things like that.

We have to avoid buying everything "if we have not planned in advance" what is the philosophy behind what we want and what we do and "if we have no clear information of this ecology & a specific crypto".

This is the knowledge itself to clearly know what you want & what you do not want. It is wisdom to acquire the least required know-how of what really matters in regard to a goal and what does not matter at all.

If you define too many targets you might not be able to plan your roadmap toward achieving them. If you do not seriously omit the ignorables said here and there, then you are vulnerable to catastrophic consequences. We are only able to stay focused on 4 -5 tasks at the same time based on the editorial. We boot them up in our brains and we may ignorantly miss one or two which really are important.

Based on Pareto Principle 80% of our outcome are the results of only 20% of our causes. In another words, we need to forget 80% of unimportant subjects irrelevant to our planned goal.

Later on, I am going to introduce some very important syndromes which we are all infected with. I insist again if you do not have proper multidisciplinary considerations toward Investment-Trading Portfolio Management Plan, you either earn by chance which is not repeatable, or you are destined to serious financial & personal losses.

