
Cryptoscoobys Bitcoin Script 1

This Script is set up to be run with the Gunbot Bitcoin Trading Bot.. It provides lots of different features and different ways to be able to change the script around in order to get the best alerts set up as possible. It mostly focuses on using Moving Averages, or Bollengier Bands, and it can also be used with bot.

When you see the option for it to have either "alt coin" checked or "forex" checked in the box next to them.. This means that if niether of them are checked then you are telling the script to run everything along with the backetesting as just regular bitcoin intervals, if the alt coin box is checked its going to now base everything off of Satoshi, and if the Forex is checked its going to base everything off of Forex.

The alt coin option is best used for coins with little volume and high voalitility and when you back test them cant get or determine a proper set up or soultion in order to get profitable results..

But just play around with the settings and enjoy the script!!

Will be publishing an "Alert Script" to better help with setting up the proper alerts for this script soon.. Should be titled "Cryptoscoobys Bitcoin Script 2 (Alert Script)" if you are intrested!

Thanks and hope this helps anyone..

Happy Trading!


Hit me up on Telegram or Discord @cryptoscooby with any further questions, Thanks!


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