TAD System - F1 TURTLE

TAD System
A revolution system designed to make trading easy for beginners and non-experienced traders to know when to BUY or when to SELL.

The TAD System was founded by Mr Fred Tam, the principal lecturer of technical analysis in F1 Academy. TAD stands for Turtle, Atom & Duck.
The TAD System is basically a combination of several indicators which are included into the TAD System to make trading as simple as possible.

How simple is the system?
With the three BUY arrows aligned accordingly with the Turtle, Atom and Duck, this triggers an affirmative BUY signal and vice versa.

The F1 TURTLE indicator came from the popular and famous Turtle Trading strategy by Richard Donchian.

The TURTLE indicator is to be used alongside with the ATOM & DUCK indicators.
As with all 3 indicators used alongside, it become the TAD Trading System.

For F1 ATOM indicator:

For F1 DUCK indicator:


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