Bearish Engulfing Alert

This is a Bearish Engulfing Candle Indicator with Alerts.
This is not like any other Bearish Engulfing candle indicator present on TV. There are some special rules that are being used to identify specific engulfing candles.
Also, the user can choose if they like nice body engulfing or they want to ignore them.

The indicator have the following highlights:

1) Ability to choose the color of the engulfing candle body.
2) Ability to choose a different color for the Liq (liquidity) swap engulfing candle body.
3) With above 2 options, you can get the desired information without plotting any extra information on the chart.
4) You can put the alerts for getting notified when these patterns forms on the chart.
5) Ability to choose between getting notified or not on the chart if the engulfing candle body is less than 40% of the whole candle size. This is useful in order to identify if the engulfing is really powerful or not.
6) Ability to choose between getting notified or not on the chart if the engulfed candle body is really small. This is in particular useful for avoiding the engulfing of Doji which in turn might not be that powerful.

We will keep on making the improvements/Enhancements over the time (Check the changelog for such features)

NOTE: The indicator is of best use if you have a defined & back tested strategy which relies on this type of candlestick pattern.
Bearish EngulfingCandlestick analysisChart patternsEngulfing Candleengulfingpatternengulfingsfor3xscalperForexTrend Analysiswaveanalysiss


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