This strategy is based on the Ichimoku Cloud. It is more profitable on a 15 minute- chart with a candle pattern. This strategy is suitable for swing trading. All signals should be considered only after the candle is closed. This indicator is more profitable on Banknifty & Nifty future chart. (Continuous current contract in front)

The backtest results are based on Banknifty's last year's data. It has an initial capital of 100000 and the size of the lot is 1. The target is 3% and stop-loss is 0.3%. The commission paid is Rs 15 per trade and the slippage is 3 ticks per trade. Adjust the commission as per your broker.
It is better to go with a maximum of 4 trades per day.

By using this strategy you can do fully automated trading in options and futures with Indian brokers

Contact us using the link given below to obtain access to this strategy.

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