Trader Set - Uni Renko Fibo

This is an addition for Uni Renko Chart. You can see it on the right hand side of the chart. It adds few extra levels calculated by fibo values. These levels have different usages.

To use this, you should set your chart on Renko, Traditional with box size of 3.

Please, don't ask for access, only my students from my classes will have access to this indicator, at least for time being. If at any time in future I wish to sell, you will find the price and how to buy in the comments bellow.
Changed the calculations for ticksize (autoomated) and resolution multiplier to use the same formula from Uni renko bar's script (look at that one too) no more need for user manual inputs.

Switched back to original fibo numbers we had developed during R&D for our system (0.618, 1.618, 3.22)
Fixed a small typo in a flloat number that would cause huge numbers is higher time frames
- Changed the base of calculation from ATR to Traditional, visually, nothing changes but fundamentally, it's a better way of handling renko calculation.

- Gave option to switch to ATR mode if desired, again, it does not show any difference visually but when the base of renko chart will be ATR, it's better to be safe than sorry !
Lots of code cleanup and sanity checks for NAN values, also, added the option to put the renko box size into use. moved the lines a bit forward to sit nicely and organized with the rest of the system.
Code cleanup, Final Version.
- Removed the need for the user to add box size
- Added the bar height multiplier (should set the same number you use on uni bars always)
Fixed slight issue in bar calculation, code clean up, This is final version
renkorenkobarsrenkochartresistnacesupportSupport and Resistanceuniformity


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