

ADX System Overview

So I Came Across Another Trading System for Only $997. However, if you purchased in the next 24hours the whole system could be Yours For Only $497.

So I decided to Code it. This is only Version 1, and I discuss in the Video What I’ve found so for, some plans for Version 2 of the indicator, and I ask for your feedback on anything you find.

Indicators used in System:
CM_DI_Plus_Minus_V1 (Indicator On Bottom).
CM_ADX_V1 (Indicator On 2nd Pane).
CM_Gann_Swing_Hi_Lo (Indicator on Price Pane). This Indicator was published before…Link Below.

In Video I go over settings and how to customize charts.

Link To Video:

Link To Downloadable PDF Shown in Video:


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//Created by ChrisMoody on 11-18-2014
//Designed to Go with ADX Trading System.
study(title="CM_DI_Plus_Minus_V1", shorttitle="CM_DI_Plus_Minus_V1")
len = input(14, minval=1, title="DI Length")
lensig = input(14, title="ADX Smoothing", minval=1, maxval=50)
sbh = input(true, title="Show BackGround Highlight")

up = change(high)
down = -change(low)
trur = rma(tr, len)

plus = fixnan(100 * rma(up > down and up > 0 ? up : 0, len) / trur)
minus = fixnan(100 * rma(down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0, len) / trur)

sum = plus + minus 
adx = 100 * rma(abs(plus - minus) / (sum == 0 ? 1 : sum), lensig)

bgcolor(sbh and plus > minus ? lime : sbh and plus < minus ? red : na, transp=70)

plot(plus, color=lime, title="+DI", style=line, linewidth=3)
plot(minus, color=red, title="-DI", style=line, linewidth=3)