
Trend Meter

AndresVasconez アップデート済   
Bullish Uptrend

To determine bullish uptrend there must beat least 2/3 green squares. This is a great predictor that a uptrend is coming.

Bearish Downtrend

To determine bearish downtrend there must beat least 2/3 red squares. This is a great predictor that a downtrend is coming.

For best results use with "Stochastic RSI + background color change" (Combined indicators)

When buy signal on "Stochastic RSI + background color change" and trend meter has a minimum of 2 green squares then this is a great buy entry.

When sell signal on "Stochastic RSI + background color change" and trend meter has a minimum of 2 red squares then this is a great sell entry
Updated the Oscillators
Added a Trend Master background color fill:
Added Alerts for both Green and Red Backgrounds.
-Green background = 3 green squares + price above 100 EMA (multiple options 100 200 400)
-Red background = 3 red squares + price below 100 EMA (multiple options 100 200 400)

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