
[Bybit] Gainzy Intraday Momentum Algo

  • This algorithm uses a single unorthodox moving average that I created by modifying an obscure moving average.
  • It is meant to be used on intraday time frames.

  • Green column: buy signal
  • Red column: sell signal
  • Wait for a candle to close in order for the signal to be confirmed

Profit tracking
  • The background tracks the profitability of the algorithm over the last 5000 candles or so
  • Every time a new signal is confirmed it updates the net profit (minus the commission)
  • Net profit is shown as a percentage of your starting balance. For example, say your starting balance is $1.00. Your current balance is $1.50. Net profit will appear as 50%.
  • Percent commission is the fee charged for entering a position using a market order. It is set to 0.75% by default.

  • Net profit is based on using the entire account balance and compounding gains
  • For example, your balance is $100. You receive a buy signal and go long for $100. Price goes up a little over 10% and you receive a sell signal. You close your long position. Your new balance is $110. You now open a short position for $110. You have compounded the gains of your previous long position into your new short position.

  • You can view the profitability of this algorithm by Day / Week / Month / Quarter / Year / All-Time
  • If you choose the monthly Interval, on the final day of the month, it will display the realized profit of this algorithm. Unrealized profit will not be included. For example, if you are up 50% on the month and in a trade that is currently up 10%, net profit for the month will be shown as 50%. The 10% of unrealized profit will be carried over into the first trade of the following month.

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