
Trend is your Friend

Testing "Trend is your Friend" indicator on the top 10 stocks in ASX300 for this year 2018-2019

Let's see how this indicator performs. If indicator works there should be lots of buy and hold during up trend then sells at momentum reversal near the peaks of prices to maximize profits. Buy and hold (uptrend) = green triangles; Sell (downtrend)=pink triangles. This should ride the trend/friend for benefits.

Top stocks and their gains for the year below.
1. NEA Nearmap +200%
2. CUV Clinuvel + 189%
3. APT Afterpay +153%
4. AMI Aurelia Metals + 137%
5. BVS Bravura Solution +133%
6. APX Appen +120%
7. IEL Idp Education +110%
8. NHC New Hope Corporation +88%
9. IFM Infomedia +87%
10. IPH +77%

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