
Cyclical Relative Volume + CMF

This Tool is built on the basis of the relative volume of the cycle in question, it can be set as desired.

It is present a background area that indicates whether operators are more likely to accumulate or distribute, again on the basis of cyclicalit.

We can set the% variation of the volumes above the average of the cycle

Hight Threshold highlights in red or green the histograms that exceed the cycle average by x%
Low Threshold highlights in orange the volumes that are less than x% above the cycle average
Finally, volumes below the cycle average will be highlighted.

This tool expresses its maximum in Breakout or Swing operations

The Breakout is purchased if the volumes are 25/50 % higher than the average of the cycle and if the CMF is in the accumulation phase

Instead, I buy the swing if the volumes are below the average of the cycle or around the Low Threshold threshold, if we are in a phase of strong accumulation or in the presence of a slight phase of Positive Money Flow Decrease

The CMF in accumulation / distribution is highlighted by the background color that can be set as desired based on the following parameters:
-Positive Money Flow Increase
-Positive Money Flow Decrease
-Negative Money Flow Decrease
-Negative Money Flow Increase

For any bugs contact the creators

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To use this tools, contact the creators, LuigiGarone1983, AlessandroGenovese or through the email


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