

₣ⱤØⱫØ₦Ø indicator automatically adjust itself in relation to the speed of the market. Base on a Dynamic Formula, combining simple and exponential moving average with a filter that smooths the data to avoid whipsaws.

The Problem with Moving Averages
moving averages have many problems. In the first place, they are inappropriately applied. Moving averages in different periods operate with varying degrees in different markets. For example, how can one know when to use a 10-day to a 20- to a 50-day moving average in a fast or slow market? In order to solve the problem of choosing the right length of the moving average, ₣ⱤØⱫØ₦Ø was built to automatically adjust to the current speed of the market.

Moving averages failed to follow prices since large separations frequently exist between prices and moving average lines. He sought to eliminate these problems by inventing an indicator that would hug prices more closely, avoid price separation and whipsaws and follow prices automatically in fast or slow markets.


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