Display Equal high/ low, alert when liquidity is taken.. or created !

An innovation that flows a bit if you are an SMC trader and which was actually missing on TradingView: identification of equal high/low, alerts when liquidity is taken... or created!
Its choice in the design means that it gives more importance to the last identified pivots: that is to say that it will display more recently created liquidity than old one! Perfect for identifying market inducement mechanisms (SMC) under an area of ​​interest. This is a typical pattern of induction and false breakout: 2 hits, the break, reintegration, and real move :

Quick exemple on BTC, you are alerted by liquidity created:

Then we grab, and deep. :)

You can display "old broken lines" for backtesting. Careful, it actually display lines when pivot is detected and broken at the same time : it's false. checks that the line has been touched twice :) So, some false lines in the backtest but it does not affect the indicator at all.

You can set number min of pivot at 1 to plot current high/low untested !

Most aggressive TradingView/MT4/MT5 trading setup on the market. Pure juice concentrated from SMC/ICT, divergences and PA!

Snipe the institutional levels! 🐋🏹

このスクリプトへのアクセスは作者が許可したユーザーに制限されており、通常はお支払いが必要です。お気に入りに追加することはできますが、許可を申請して作者が許可した後でなければ使用することはできません。 詳細については astre_ts にお問い合わせいただくか、以下の作者の指示に従ってください。





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