
Bitcoin Bybit chart analysis June 5

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BYBIT:BTCUSD.P   BTCUSD Perpetual Contract

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Bitcoin 30-minute chart.
Based on tonight’s 30-minute chart
There are two indicator announcements at 9:30 and 11:00.

According to Nasdaq flow and Tether dominance movement
I created a strategy.
There's a lot of complicated stuff to explain, so I'll keep it very simple today.

*Red finger movement path

One-way long position strategy

1. $70698 long position entry zone / stop loss when breaking out of the green support line
2. $72446.5 long position 1st target -> Good 2nd target

Section 1 at the top is lateral to the right.
Section 2 at the bottom moves sideways to the right.

From the point of departure from section 2, the pattern is broken.
There is a possibility of further adjustment.

The vertical line on the right is because tomorrow is a holiday.
I have left a drawing based on the daily chart being generated on Friday, June 7th.
If you drag up or down
You can check support and resistance prices that are not visible on the chart.

As mentioned in the Good section,
This is the section where Bitcoin exceeds 100 million again.

After the rebound on Nasdaq today
There is a high possibility that there will be a downward movement.
If this movement is an upward wave, or even if it is only a sideways movement,
The beat can rise strongly.

Please watch to see if Tether dominance is connected to a vertical decline.
Because tomorrow is a holiday
I'll take a break tomorrow and see you on Friday.

Please note that my analysis up to this point is merely for reference and use.

I hope you operate safely with principled trading and stop loss required.

thank you
トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達:
It's a Bitcoin guide.
Did everyone have a good holiday yesterday?
I will check the movement after writing the analysis on June 5th.

This is the NASDAQ 30-minute chart.
Major sections are marked with black fingers.
Red Finger 18638.4 Long position waiting strategy
Do not come down to the entry point

Section 1 marked -> Without breaking away from the purple support line
Finishing the vertical climb to the Top -> Good -> Great section.

Yesterday, when there were no analysis posts, it was trading sideways due to extreme protection.
Strongly breaking through the previous high point
It looks like they are considering whether or not there will be an adjustment.
The main section is the MACD golden cross on the weekly chart.

Bitcoin 30-minute chart.
Major sections are marked with black fingers.

Red Finger $70,698 long position was a waiting strategy.
Finish after touching section 1 of the orange resistance line indicated at the top.

Ending with an upward trend
Unfortunately, I couldn't reach the top.
It's not perfect, but the strategy worked.

While taking a break from my analysis yesterday,
There was an extreme horizontal movement.
Touch section 2 indicated at the bottom

As indicated, the 1st -> 2nd sideways trend is maintained.

With yesterday's movement
4-hour chart MACD deadcross imprint completed in 1+4 pattern
The 6-hour chart MACD deadcross is in progress.
I will look at it as a whole and solve it in an analysis article.

See you in a moment

thank you

*비트코인가이드 공식텔레그램 Telegram

*빙엑스 BingX 50%DC+$5,000 (청산할때만 총1회수수료)

*바이비트 Bybit 20%DC+$5,020

*게이트아이오 Gateio 30%DC+$6666
