The Bitcoin Triangle

A daily look at the current situation anticipates a breakout to the North around the first week of July. The green box is 70%-75% of the entire triangle. A typical breakout area. If the price breaks North as expected the new target is around 16.2K

Good luck!

BBS out.
I'm still bullish on this pattern and think is should resolve soon. I moved the lower trend line to make a better fit on the latest price action.

Press the play button and be amazed.
We missed the first yellow line target but hit the second one to the day! Still long and strapped in to the command module. Will we get a retrace at some point? Of course. Am I selling out? No. Will I add to my position? Absolutely!

The Bears are being thoroughly slayed. As it should be.

BBS out.
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bitcoinbearslayerBTCBTCUSDBullish PatternsTriangle
