
://BTC range MAP _Clean BTC 1day chart/map

INDEX:BTCUSD   ビットコイン/米ドル
://i started using the crypto market it self as my indicators. its all i use anymore (besides a sneak peak at some other indicators here and there) THis is it and all u need in this market. Maybe through in some DeFi market cap and dominance charts among other quick looks but for a day in day out indicator u really cant beat this if you can give your self time to really watch this market and its alien tides of money pushing and pulling through the narrow exit and on ramps at a fire hose pace.

ETH dominance combined with BTC dominance is really the bread and butter. build your own indicator and learn to watch this market, the correlation between these indicators and your favorite alts. or even fav block chain and how she interacts all as one eco system.

Happy 4th to my fellow US homies out there. HGM 0Ut_

set buy orders for stink bids BTC 19500 n down to 16000ish with heavy orders in that 1800s to maybe hi 1700s but this is a more wait n see as it happens situation (same or eth)
set buy orders for stink bids ETH 965 n down to 6500 ish but concentrate at 900s to 800s here and for me and mine WILL BE our heaviest position.
I would use 30% of available funds for initial btc n eth positions and cost average in or buy heavy once uptrend confirmed with maybe a small feeler in an alt or two maybe 3 but i mean small and more a place holder.

