
BTT Supported or not ?

GR_Crypto アップデート済   
As we can see on the chart we are going to facing the bottom of the uptrend channel (green).The volume decreasing but this support is strong (bottom of channel , 0.382 fib , 4h 50 MA) . If you ask me , i think we bounce from there , but i don't know if that bounce is good enough to make the price break the top of the downtrend channel (red) . Stoch turning bullish , RSI Neutral ,MACD looks south.
Thats all, thanks for reading.
PS be lenient with my grammar
not financial advice
Hi friends. A quick uptdate. As we can se on the chart the main trendline clearly violated but .382 and 4h50MA give us a temporary support
We do not have many hopes here for something better Another leg down will put in the game a forming falling wedge
