An extremely easy but super efficient investing rule

It's actually disgusting that it would be so easy...

Countries approaching socialism: Sell & Let them starve.
Countries abandonning socialism: Buy & Hold.

It's barely more complicated than this.

Most African countries have been living in absolute misery probably because after the soviet union stopped sending them free stuff, the european union and americans have been taking pity on them and throwing free stuff at them. To feel good about themselves. All this has accomplished is enabling awful (even much worse than the soviet union's) anti business anti ownership regulations, the people need to be pushed to the limit and have nothing to lose and nothing to hope for to make a change, all these "helpful" organisations sending food clothes medicines, all these altruist doctors, they are responsible for misery in Africa.
If they think they are going to heaven for their "good actions" boy do I have bad news for them (:

With the US stock market in a bubble and nearing explosion I'd say it's not the time to invest right now.
The whole world will feel the shockwave.

Some GDP growths:

I've been looking a bit at Rwanda but just to get a better idea, to be able to more easilly recognize when this happens ELSEWHERE, I will not invest in a country of murderers.

While the herd is getting all excited by big US names and new techs (dot coms, crypto...) AFTER the gains have been made, anyone will a brain bigger than a walnut should look for everything that is undervalued, it should be a habit. I am a speculator not an investor but I figured this is how you do it. I am not saying there is no speculating, actually investing in some 3rd world unstable countries you better be prepared to lose then totality of your investment, but it can also go way up.

Imagine this: some complete ruin of a country, worth zero, simply mentionning its name and investment in the same sentence makes your average person laugh.
The harder they laugh the bigger the potential. "The people" are ALWAYS wrong just do the exact opposite.

Also, if the population of the USA gets butthurt and jealous enough they WILL vote socialist I can guarentee 100% it will happen if they get salty enough.
Just like Donald Trump could win the election in 2016.
And when that happens, all the world economies relying on free innovations coming from "evil capitalist" US will crash. Forget GDP growth. Plus there's the climate religious freaks that want to conquer the world.
Also europe free ride on the back of the US military will probably be over. They're going to have to spend their own money.

Having ideals is cute when you have a large nation doing all the work for you, or when you have huge Oil exports and literal unironic millions of slaves.
But when reality knocks at the door, it wields a baseball bat.

Always remember: During the white revolution Iran experienced double digit growth.
buysellemergingmarketsFundamental AnalysisGDPinvestingRisk ManagementsocialismTrading Plan
