Peace From 3 important US equity indices NDQ/ SPX/ DJI. we are at an important confluence point where two long-term trends are indicating a strong probable reversal. The actual trend came with no solid economic sustained growth (the Majority of Economies just started to return to the pre-pandemic economic numbers) and the FED will start to tighten soon maybe aggressively. The Helicopter Money, a great part of it went to Cryptos and equities markets. now everyone is aware that actual levels on stocks are a bubble (Apple close to 3000 market cap in just 2 years from 1000 while real business numbers don't explain even a small part of this appreciation) While examining the 3 charts it's clear that a solid resistance confirmed by the channel upper level on the pitchfork + clear candles signaling weakness + a price action that shows the unsustainability of price.
The RSI on NDQ confirm a reversal in trend
The RUT indicates the same thing with flat price action movement and candles confirming indecisiveness. RSI gives the first signal of reversal.