
DOGE - 3D and a Story


This is Doge coin + my best effort to annotate the 3D projections that I see when I meditate on the chart.... direct all of my brain power at it for prolonged periods of time. Then it pops into 3D. You can do this too... but it wont work if your brain is numb from consuming alcohol. Eat clean, optimize the brain! It really matters!

Now... the field is best viewed from the lower right perspective... move you head —> , and look up at the chart ;)

There are many competing projections acting on the motion... the pink and turquoise seem to be the most similar examples and likely strong influences based on proximity to the support and resistance levels.

We departed the overall harmonic projection from January, which is shown in purple. It followed it beautifully, until its harmonic flipped, and then they oscillated opposite each other for a cycle, before departing for a high level this time.

Now we are near the Dashed resistance level in yellow... will the bullish momentum continue to shadow the pink trace (current location correlates the pink arrow) to the highest resistance level of this pattern? 1.11 would be quite a pleasant target!

Or... does the less enthusiastic, but still overall bullish, turquoise pattern dominate this current argument?

One way to imagine this is that you live on a layer cake, flying though space, slowly rotating (to stay upright of course). You live with a very fancy space DOGe. DOGe gets his exercise by running around on the outside of the layer cake as it rotates... climbing up the frosting, and sliding back down... getting stopped at all the various layers of a giant layer cake... as the he runs out of energy and can’t run up, or slide down, (the end of the consolidation) some one sneezes, and sends him off again... but always watch out... if he gets wound up near the top bottom edges, DOGe is likely to jump off of your wedding cake - to another new fancy wedding cake to explore! Let’s hope he only jumps off the top of the cake, so we are excited about going with him!

Good luck!

