
🔰 GBPUSD: is the market maker increasing profits?

Forex_Times アップデート済   
OANDA:GBPUSD   ポンド/米ドル
The nearest support level for today is the limit buyer (1.4078).
📊 In case of breakdown and fixation below, expect a decline to the balance of the week (1.4050).
👁🗨 If a buying pattern is formed in the price range of 1.4078-1.4050, we expect the subsequent rise with the nearest target,- limit seller (1.4142).
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🔰 GBPUSD: market maker increases profits? The nearest support level for today is the limit buyer (1.4078).
📊 In case of breakdown and fixation below, expect a decline to the balance of the week (1.4050).
👁🗨 If a buying pattern is formed in the price range of 1.4078-1.4050, we expect the subsequent rise with the nearest target,- limit seller (1.4142).
