
NAS100USD. P-Modeling Pt A. The Mirrors of Judgement

Glitch420 アップデート済   
OANDA:NAS100USD   US Nas 100
Welcome Hyperspace Travelers...

I have been eagerly awaiting you..


Another Cross Correlation: The Black Swan of Bitcoin and CryptoCurrency.
Evidence 1: Evidence 2:
The extreme rise in 2 Year T-Bonds as SPX and NAS enters the 'Black Swan Phase'.
Model A:

Cross Correlation is very powerful if done correctly... Find the connection.
Or else you simply won't understand the HOW or WHY of this chart.
Look at the cross correlation.
I have debated though, the timing exactly. All the windows are aligning..
If you do not see the similarity..
Well that is on you lol.
Look at the BIG picture..for once.
This is US Nas 100.
Time-Series Analysis on a 4-Hour Time-frame.
Timing Error of Fractal: 1 Week.

The structure is simply laid out.
I tried to be as clear as I could, but this formation is considered a Black Swan Event.

A Black Swan Event is a cyclic reset of global asset classes in order to achieve a new baseline shift.

Catalysts for the Black Swan Event:
-Wave Two of Covid-19.
-Eviction Crisis of 35 Million Americans.
-Systemic Bubble Collapse from Horrendous US Presidential and Congressional Policy.
-Presidential Transition
-Unemployment reaching 20%+
-Major Disruption of Industrial Chains from Covid-19.
-Student Loan Crisis
-Unlimited Fed Spending

Wave Two Trajectory of Deaths from Covid-19:

Best Case: 1.5 - 3.5 million dead in USA alone.
Worst Case: 5 - 15 million dead in USA alone.
The horrid response and ignorant disregard to scientists and their warnings; is going to lead to over a million deaths .

UNLESS WE CLOSE DOWN NOW. (which is not going to happen).

These estimates are 1.5% and 3% mortality rate across ALL age groups, including children.
SPX Low: $1450 by Mid-November. (-60% drop)
BTC Low: $955 by Mid November. (-88%/-92% drop)
NAS 100 Low: 4000 by Mid November. (-65% drop)
Major Transition of Power:
Bernie Sanders will REPLACE Joe Biden and defeat Trump in the 2020 presidential election by a LANDSLIDE victory of almost 80%.
Trump will be forcefully removed from the White House after his loss.

I am most likely wrong though...
Buckle Up... The spring into the 4th industrial revolution is upon us.. But first.
The Black Swan Events.. Happy Hunting..

Welcome to the Paradigm Shift,
Baseline Snapshot.

A further view.

I am now going to properly use my Timing Error Allowance.

When i posted this, i put "timing error of fractal : 1 week".

The fractal you see before you, was incomplete when i posted the idea.

My aim with this construct is to capture a Fractal Channel, in which the price can potentially with decent probability

You may understand this as a simple upper and lower boundary, but I am taking it a step further. By finding the actual fractal channel along the actualized binary string TF.

The goal here is simply to show evidence of coordinated movement of High Frequency Algorithms (HFT algos) by piecing together sequences of highest probability on a macro scale based solely on STRUCTURE.

STRUCTURALLY speaking; the decoded fractal, and hopefully now its decoded fractal channel can be used to be navigate trades against dark pools solely on structural position in space against time, while plugged into its past historical and structural data and executing anew.

Once the channel is found. We time the accuracy of the decode.
Sometimes it fails quickly. Sometimes it stays for 50%. Sometimes the depth is very wrong. Sometimes it nails it exactly. It all depends on unique variables. Variables not always seen by Traditional Analysis.

I am trying nothing more then to show the power of simple structural analysis.

Please read the RED bubbles for my application on TIME ERROR and the placement of my UB fractal. The same fractal is used all the way down the string.

1 Week was my allowed error between the lower boundary and upper boundary placement of X fractal.

Do not forget these fractal placements are simply 2:1 scale of FEB-MARCH drop.
Yes it would be the biggest sequence the market has ever seen. But do you really expect anything less leading into the Roaring 20s?

Would you expect anything less when we tiptoe the line of entering the 4th industrial revolution?

Guess we are about to see :).
Evolution is inevitable.

Time to apply the next steps...

Here we go..

Focus just for a moment...

High Probability Geometric Vectors.

Not possible is it?
let's take a closer look at the Glitch Channels.

All the Channels have been placed.

Lower. Middle and Upper.

It creates a 15% drop gap where the channels collapse. Then a 9% rise correction into the next big 15%+ drop.

The upper boundary of the Channel I had placed in Orange is suppose to be the final boundary IF i placed it right..

The trend inverted the placed upper boundary.

Quite well I may add.

IF the glitch channels are to remain true with minimal error, THEN we need to drop about 13% to that pink box below.

That is 2 days of -4.80% and a 3rd day of a potential circuit breaker.

Not sure the order.. Could do 5% right up front then make up the rest.

IF we do nail the PINK box.

We can declare the black boxed outlier as a valid outlier to the glitch channels.

If we continue and do not drop.

Then i will declare the glitch channels incorrectly placed.

Three levels to a glitch channel.

Lower, Mean and Upper.

If it passes UPPER. I consider it a Binary Outlier. Once it breaks structural formation though. I will declare the Lower Boundary of the glitch channel void.

If I error. I take the Length of the Time in ERROR and 2x and I will replace the glitch channels.

I was in error by one level.

:) Much better than before!

Excellent progress!
The Outlier Compression was validated.

I am looking for successive drops to stay on the slope originally planned.

However, due to 2 weeks of timing error. The initial path is shifted by one channel.

Major success...

Extremely grateful.

we have collapsed into the pre-designated upper glitch channel.

Channel is now considered active.
All other channels are now considered active and outlier channel is confirmed.
look at the actualized trend structure.

Look at the decode fractal structure.

They are very very close.

So close i consider that a match.
As you can clearly see. The Glitch channels are activated.

Outlier Channel (Gray): Active (Highest Fractal Match)

Upper Glitch Channel (yellow): Active ( Highest Fractal Match) - Mirror on Outlier.

Glitch Mean Channel (Dark Gray): Neutral (Mean)

Lower Glitch Channel (Lite Blue): Active (4 Std from Mean) - Potential to be closed due to timing error.

We nailed the pink box. Began to follow the outlier glitch channel.

Two yellow boxes of interest placed.

Top yellow box, satisfies the outlier glitch channel path.

Bottom Yellow box, satisfies the upper glitch channel path.

These glitch channels are used to find Vector Depth (D^) over Time (T^), and attributed Vector Slope (S^).

Placement of channels are by hand.
Fractal used is globally validated.

If NAS was to drop to 10.8. We satisfy the collapse of wavefunction to the upper glitch channel. And exit outlier territory.

Think of my maps as a topographical clusterfuck.

Simple really.

You do not see the other components hidden.

My idea is we die about -5.00% here.

I would like to see the wavefunction collapse into my upper glitch channel and resume its lower-upper channel movement without the need for any adjustments.

That is the ultimate win.

Remember we got a far ways to drop if I am correct.

Construct validation is the best validation in theory development.

And you get to follow along!

The great thing about time-series analysis on charts, is that you see the before/middle/after sequence movements against your modeled predictions.

Tradingview has created an excellent platform for time-series analyses. Much appreciated TV.

The alternative to the drop is of course adhering to the outlier channel. Which would boost us roughly 3% from the pink box we did indeed validate.

Max pain for shorts and is a conjunction of a heady bull trap.

Which it seems like is plausible right now. Don't be caught.

And that is a great validation for the outlier glitch channel once again..

Outlier is active once again..

+3.4% from conjunction.

Testing Active Outlier but still firm between upper boundary and outlier boundary.

Looking for 10% drop.

since outlier channel is active and structural integrity has remained in tact.

It is potential we continue to rub that boundary and enter a channel collapse to the upper glitch channel. This would represent a roughly -10% drop in order to collapse successfully into that upper glitch channel.

That is what i am looking for now.
New Paths have been designated.

outlier path has been completed (gray path)

Now we need a 10% channel collapse in order to meet the upper glitch channel.

Dropping 10% from top will validate box yellow ? boxes.
Look at the yellow boxes with a ?.

That is the path.
and poof like a magician.

onto the next box :)...

This is fun.


compare the last few snapshots closely, what do you see?

You see a played out structure.

The great thing about glitch channels is that once, you establish validity.

It's all glitching good from there.

That yellow box is SHOULD be next. IF the fractal stays true.

Depth is determined by : 1/0/1| ^VB (E) - V2 s% of channel over Y. )

i would like to validate slope here.

= Slope-1 =: 1out-0put: can only be solved by dynamic Time-Series

If you think I just made that up. I will only say it once.

First Solve for F.X^- (?) Then : 1/0/1| binary replicate of (?) into <#> [V2} Include Vector channeling Vector Space Pressure at % of Slope over Y.

Dynamic Solve -Time-Series- of Error.

Repeat First Solve.

Glitch Channeling.
This is more for myself then you.

outlier path is being followed to the T.


well would you just look at that..

simply fucking amazing.

You sexy outlier channel you.

In the science world, that is considered 'the juice'. Validity.

Stay tuned.
Channel cliff?





Cliff jump Incoming.

moved yellow box to top of channel jump.
channel cliff dive incoming!

off the cliff it goes...

Good luck.

Cliff Jump to Upper Glitch Channel imminent.

Yellow boxes.

