With the outage of Binance things for the last 36 hours have come to a grinding hault.
My plan was to sell 50% holding in NEO at $118, however when that hit yesterday I missed the boat as Binance had frozen all accounts. Pretty piss poor form if you ask me...
Anyway moving forward, while prices have not been great today I may yet still see another $118 in the near future. However I think this time It might be a 100% dump so that I can pull back a reassess everything.
My indications are that NEO isn't moving anywhere at this very second but it is moving towards the end of a triangle and there hasn't been any excessive pushes in the negative direction. I think there maybe another bounce of the lower triangle line and that will push the prices back to $118 . I guess the question remains do I stay to see if it passes R1 and heads towards R2 in a big push?
Got to love this game.
Cheers all,