Technical Analysis DOESN'T WORK anymore?

"Does this really predict the market, or are we reading too much into it?"

Technical Analysis is useless – Here's Why You Shouldn't Buy Into the Hype

I've been in the trading world long enough to know one thing: technical analysis isn’t the holy grail that many claim it to be.

Sure, charts, patterns, and indicators look fancy, and they give the illusion of certainty. But here’s the harsh reality: Markets don’t care about your patterns.

If technical analysis worked the way it’s advertised, wouldn’t everyone be making easy money? The truth is, the market moves based on emotions, macroeconomic factors, and real-world events—not lines drawn on a chart.

Successful traders don't rely on perfect predictions, they rely on managing their risk, adapting to market conditions, and learning from their losses.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great for understanding market sentiment to some extent, but if you’re betting your portfolio on head-and-shoulders patterns or the RSI alone, you’re in for a rude awakening.

In the end, trading is about experience, discipline, and understanding human psychology. That’s where the real edge is.

Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternseducationalpostsTrend Analysis

