Guys, it's been one hell of a ride these last couple years, I'm starting to feel a change, not saying "BOTTOM", but something is shifting... So, that being said I came up with "MY" trading strategy for now and let's see what happens. Here it is:

Trade #1 10X Long, if Liquidated
Trade #2 20X Long Doubling down,again if liquidated
Trade #3 50X Long Doubling down, etc.
If it gets lower than these, I'm probably getting the HELL out of this PONZI!!! Lol

If the shift happens sooner than later, I should see some pretty good profits, next run.

The first Liquidation should IMO be the BIG dump, but Like the title says...

Wish me Luck!

NOT FINICIAL ADVISE! Duh.... Bigger Balls than Brains...

