DOA trading Strategy - SPY

#SPY - For my long term people!
I know a lot of yall are asking me about my personal long term positions.
When I did my last long term projection of SPY back in March 2022
I said that SPY will hit $390 before June
We hit $383 May 2022 then bounced hard ✅
I've been out of my long term since March 2022 most of you probably remember that I've been shorting the market since end of March 2022 when we caught the 2nd drop from double top back in March.
I'm getting ready to enter on my long term if we hold at $360-$365 area
From what I'm seeing now, we are currently getting ready for a 3rd impulsive wave, and just finishing the corrective wave.
We should hit $360-365 before end of September
Then if we hold, I'm going shopping for long term!
I forgot to Update this but we hit our put target just like that
Thats the power of DOA trading strategy!
analysisBearish PatternsChart PatternsETFTechnical Indicatorslonger-termmarketanalysisprojectionSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) StocksTrend Analysis
