even moar accumulation 2day after yesturdayz noted. still seein no serious VIX CALL volume till Dec 21.
nuthin changed from yesturday, still Xpectin premium burn till after thanxgivin. we mooved our PUTS
into Dec 23 420z and thu CALL hedge to Nov 25 395z. if ULTA breaks 428.50 there could b trouble brewin
but thu entire day we watched em grind this garbage higher on no volume and we knew thu market wood
follow soon after. again, if ur not uzin this stock az ur top indicator or doin it wrong. we dont like tradin
around holidayz its alwayz boring az fuk, all they do iz burn premium. there'z alwayz that chance of a
suprize rug pull/black swan event but at this point we're assumin they'll jerk it between 390-400 until
thanxgivin. if ur intent on playin optionz 4 next week do thu Nov 25 400-410 PUTS to escape premium
burn with 20-30% hedge in 395 CALL hedge. ie if u buy (3) 405 PUTS @ $11 buy (2) 395 CALLZ around $4.
personally like i said i woodnt screw around with anything but mid December PUTS at this point tho. BULLZ
r in total control still. max upside target reemainz gapfill at 409.50 (+3.9%) where i'd load thu fukin boat
with PUTS and max downside iz gap support 385.65 (-2.17%) and if that breaks gapfill wood b 375 (-4.8%)
which iz highly unlikely. this will b my last post until after thanxgivin unless sum crazy shyt happenz. tradin
around holidayz iz watchin paint dry and i've got better thingz ta do in life. peace

