
TWTR: Projection for the upcoming earnings

Watching TWTR and trying to make a projection based on price structure from recent moves. the projection count shows a possible move of around $8.0 to $8.4 from a baseline at the $22.0 level
seems too big of a jump? well, given that SNAP has just excited the market with a 30% move on earnings this week, this scenario with TWTR doesn't look too wild. Note there's a larger price projection on TWTR to $35 but that may take sometime to happen.

Game plan: since i'm already long TWTR and don't plan to sell the stock, if TWTR hits that level on earnings, i would look at a quick post-earnings play to the downside. either sell CC or buy some protective PUTs. i have a rule against selling CC ahead of the earnings :)

Let's keep an eye on this for next week.
EarningsTechnical IndicatorspriceprojectionsredkTrend AnalysisTWTR

